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Julie Hughes was by far one of the best women I had ever met. It was easy to see how she had become friends with my mother because unlike most wealthy women she had a very humble attitude.

We had managed to discuss a few wedding related topics in the yard before we both suddenly became humored by the whole situation. Surprisingly I found it helped to laugh about it, especially when she informed me that when I was a baby she had babysat me and that young mason had begged her to take me back to my parents the whole time.

Now I'm watching her small motherly frame as she raids her closet from her 'golden years' as she called them. Apparently she was big into heels back then and skinnier so she's certain she has something to fit me.

She hands me a navy blue floor length dress with a halter neck tie and slit up the right thigh and tells me to change while she looks for something, and I don't question her.

"Wow, it looks better on you." She smiles as she comes back a short time later.

"Thank you Julie." I smiled at her.

"Don't thank me honey. I know the circumstances are messed up, but I am glad to be getting a daughter in law, and I'm glad that she is a well rounded woman who won't take crap from my son."

I don't know what possessed me to open up to her but the word vomit couldn't be stopped when I finally felt like I had someone I could talk too.

"I don't know how to do relationships. In college I focused on studying so I've never really dated, or really been kissed or any of that stuff." I admitted as she moved forward and nonchalantly began fixing my hair and makeup.

"I see." She said "well, I would hope that I raised my son right and that I know him well enough to know he would never force you to do anything physical you're not comfortable with. The kissing you're not going to be able to get around, so you have two choices; you can tell him, or you can just go for it and work it out as you go. Heck that's what most kids do anyway." She cracked a smile and it made me feel a lot better about the situation.

She motioned for me to stand up, signaling that she was done and instinctively I turned and wrapped my arms around her.

It felt good to simply have a hug. I missed my mother and I had no idea how either of my parents were, or if the crooks on the other end of this deal were holding up their end. Having Julie was almost like having my mother and as she tightened her arms around me I felt relief, because I knew that she was someone I could trust within the confusion of my life.

We met Mason down in the foyer and after a few awkward moments of him staring he cleared his throat as Julie hugged me again.

"Nick is trying to get a ring ordered but I needed to wait on your ring size."

I just stood there confused because I was certain I didn't know a Nick, or why he would be ordering my ring.

"Actually," Julie stepped forward handing something to Mason, "I think this will fit perfectly, but do it correctly." She warned him and I felt like I was the only person out of the loop.

Mason stepped in front of me and dropped to one knee, holding out a gold band with a simple medium diamond set on top.

"Sophie. I know this isn't what you planned or wanted, but obviously my mom likes you enough to give you her ring, and you kind of need one for this to work." He began and honestly he wasn't wrong and I wasn't expecting some romantic speech. "That being said I can think of a million other girls I have met over the years, but none that my mother would ever give me her ring for. So since we are doing this anyway, will you marry me?" He seemed to get stuck on the last part and I couldn't help but laugh a little as Julie kicked the back of his shoe.

"I mean, we are essentially strangers, but I guess there are worse people I could be forced to marry." I shrugged, "but yes I will. If for no other reason than to gossip with your mother." I grinned as he slipped the cool metal onto my finger.

It wasn't earth shattering, or emotional and honestly the feeling of the ring on my finger felt heavy, as if it weren't supposed to be there, yet Masons words had stuck in my head.

Make the most of it and enjoy it as much as possible.

That's what I was going to do. Maybe when it was all said and done I could still see Julie, perhaps remain friends with Mason if we ever got to the friends stage.

With that he ushered me to the car and we rode most of the way in silence. When we got closer he finally broke the awkwardness that had taken over the car.

"So when we get there we are going to have to act in love. I want us to get to know each other tonight incase any of the guests ask questions, but I think we should use it as a trial run too."

"Like a practice for the wedding?" I asked trying to ignore how uncomfortable the word made me feel.

"Exactly. I'm not going to lean over and instigate a make out or anything crazy, but I'll probably hold your hand, or put it on your back, and I may kiss your cheek or hand. I just don't want you to have any surprises because I've seen you when your nervous and scared and the last thing we need is for someone to see that side of you when we are supposed to be happy and engaged." He explained as I nodded and he pulled into a parking space outside the restaurant.

"Mason?" I said as he went to climb out. "I never did thank you for what you're doing for my family, so thanks." I said as he shot me a weak smile and climbed out before rushing to my door.

When he opened it, he held out his hand and I could already see people pulling out their phones and taking pictures as if he were some kind of celebrity.

"Don't worry about them, just remember you love me." He winked and as I placed my hand in his I knew I was going to have to put on my best poker face.

One slip up would end this whole thing and doom my whole family. I could do this, I needed to do this. I plastered on a smile and moved my free hand to cup his face as I leaned up to whisper in his ear.

"Please don't let me fail."

"I wouldn't dream of it Soph" he muttered back as he pulled me up.

His hand moved to my lower back as I smiled up at him.

It was showtime.

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