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She was beautiful. God she was so beautiful, and if I were half the man I claimed to be I would be able to admit it openly whenever and wherever I wanted.

Something happened when she walked towards me in that white dress, a shift in the atmosphere, a blimp in time, something I couldn't explain. Whatever it was it made me realize for the first time since she came to stay, I really liked her.

Although that knowledge alone didn't change that I still didn't have the time to have a healthy relationship, it did make it easier for what came next. I had despised marriage since Sierra, and yet now I stood with a beautiful woman in front of me, ready to commit that vow of matrimony to her.

I could tell she was nervous and I knew after building her up for a week just how to settle those nerves. When she offered me that smile and nod of comfort, I knew that she trusted me entirely.

The preacher began his speech and his words sank into me, soaking into the deepest pores of my soul. It was almost as if that one verse summed up the entire failing of my relationship with Sierra and yet here I had Sophie. Someone who to my knowledge was completely unscathed by the pressures of romantic trauma.

In this moment, looking at her and seeing the hope she held for her future, I wanted to be better. A better son, a better man, a good husband. Whether the latter was obtainable, only time would tell, but I wanted to try.

"Do you Mason Hughes take thee, Sophie Lanning to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?" The preacher asked as I felt a bubble of emotion surge through me.

"I do." I smiled at her confidently as I placed the ring on her finger.

"And do you Sophie Lanning, take thee, Mason Hughes, to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?" He asked her as another tear slipped down her cheek.

I took the brief moment of silent to squeeze her hand again as I wiped away the new tear that had fallen. When she rewarded me with a smile that could make the earth stop spinning I knew I was done for.

"I do." She placed the cold band on my finger and  squeezed my hand back.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The preacher said as everyone began to clap.

I leaned forward resting my forehead against hers for a second. I hadn't forgotten what she told me about her kissing experience and I knew she was nervous even though she didn't need to be.

"Ready?" I asked as I brought my hand up to the side of her face.

She gave me a smile and I took it as my cue to move in and press my lips against hers.

It wasn't like our first kiss, the one that was alcohol fueled and wild. This kiss was gentle, a soft spoken promise between us that I would protect her as long as she trusted me to.

Her soft gasp at the newness of being kissed gave me all the space I needed to tease her lips with my tongue until hers finally began to move with mine and my free hand pulled her waist closer to me so that our bodies were pressed against each other.

It was a kiss that I never wanted to end.

Unfortunately the 'awww's of the crowd managed to distract her just enough and I knew it was time to pull away. I just hoped that wouldn't be the last time I got to taste her mouth.

I smiled at her and pecked the tip of her nose before we headed down the aisle towards the fence line. The reception was scheduled to be in the back yard within the confinement's of the fence so once people migrated into there, the photographer took that as her cue to get some pictures.

We started with the family pictures with our parents and then once they were gone took our own. It felt like a real wedding in every sense. Sophie was smiling like she was having the best day of her life and I was enjoying her being carefree and happy.

The last picture we took would probably turn out to be my favorite. I really didn't like having my picture taken too much, but with Sophie it was effortless. There was very little I wouldn't do today to keep the smile on her face.

The photographer had us both stand on the backside of the tree. The sun was setting with its hues of pink and purple and orange as she directed me to kiss Sophie. I did as I was told and was relieved when I felt her smiling against my lips.

The photographer told us it would take a couple weeks for the prints and then left as Sophie placed her hand in mine and smiled up at me.

"You okay?" I asked before we joined the rest of the party.

"Yeah, I think so?" She grinned.

"You don't regret your first real kiss right?" I teased and I gave her a look to challenge her.

She leaned up against me with a challenge of her own in her eyes and smiled, "Nope, I'm kind of hoping you do it again and again and again."

It was then that I knew I was in trouble. I could feel it in my pants, how those few words of her wanting more had ignited something that had laid dormant for so long - since Sierra. I wasn't about to talk about her now, not on my wedding day, but I would rise to the challenge with something of my own.

"Of course Mrs Hughes, but just know, for this to be completely official we still have one more thing we need to do tonight. I can promise that as long as you are comfortable with it, that I fully intend to have the traditional wedding night that normal couples have." I replied.

She stilled beside me for a second before she seemed to shake it off.

"Come on Mason, we should get to the party." She continued as if she didn't hear me even though I knew she did.

Perhaps she thought I was kidding, even though the truth was that I was being completely serious.

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