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Today was the big day, and for more reasons than it being my wedding day. It was the day I bought my family's freedom. Of course that meant that at some point I would have to elaborate to my parents that after today they were officially on their own.

For now though, I had too much to worry about. Julie was teetering around like a crazy woman on a mission making sure that everything was set up at the house, while trying to make sure that I was okay and ready.

I'm sure I should probably be nervous, but I was honestly just ready for the day to be over. I trusted Mason, which in the space of only a week was a huge deal because I really didn't trust a lot of people.

It was a simple as getting dressed, walking down the aisle with my father, and then reciting the vows of the minister. After that all the worries would be gone and Mason and I could get back to our lives. Obviously we would have to live together for a while, but aside from that he could return to being a workaholic and I could return to being the home body.

He had pretty much said it himself that he wouldn't be home most of the time.

Perhaps it wouldn't be as bad as I thought? I mean Mason had proven to me that he was more caring than the original monster I painted in my head a week ago, and honestly I didn't even mind sleeping in that big house now.

Last night at Julies was almost torture because for some unknown reason I thought of Mason and how I wouldn't get his homemade pancakes in the morning, or sit at the kitchen Island and eat breakfast together.

It was a weird feeling and yet it could easily be chalked down to simply missing my friend. At least that's what I considered us to be now.

Once my hair and makeup were done, my new found curls were pulled back, leaving a couple lose tendrils around my face. I carefully slipped into my dress while Julie fastened it securely at my lower back.

"You look beautiful Sophie." She smiled as my mother joined in with tears in her eyes.

"I'm going to go get seated. Your father will meet you at the venue." Mom smiled, wiping her eyes.

"Okay, love you." I grinned back.

As soon as she left Julie gave me a reassuring squeeze before she took my hand in hers and we began waking towards the car.

Much to Masons surprise I had opted for a small and cute outdoor wedding in the backyard of Masons extravagant house. He had a section behind the back privacy fence that opened up into a nice open field with a cute white octagon Gazebo.

I'll admit I found it by chance while I was walking around but after I mentioned it to Julie she had it repainted and organized it to be decorated with flowers.

When we arrived I met my dad at the back yard behind the privacy fence and waited for our cue. I didn't have any bridesmaids so Julie was going to walk down first to signal the music to play.

As soon as the acoustic guitar began strumming the beautiful chords to some melody I didn't know, my dad offered his arm and lowered the veil over my face. I wrapped my had around his arm and put on the smile I knew everyone was expecting to see.

This was it, the moment that would decide if my fate was to be a married woman, or a girl on the run.

One step at a time we made our way down the white carpeted aisle. I tried my best but I couldn't help but glance at the family on Masons side that had shown up, along with the two men in leather jackets that were clearly here to ensure that the wedding happened.

My heart began to race as I began to doubt that this would work. I knew what Mason had said, that no matter what, as long as we said our vows I would be safe. Still that didn't comfort me when my parents safety wasn't guaranteed unless these men believed us.

I guess I got stuck in a daze of nerves or fear, I'm not completely sure, but I do know that I felt the tear slip from my face as we stopped just before the Gazebo.

Mason stepped down as my dad lifted my Veil over my head as Mason stepped down to take my hand. He kissed my forehead and gently brushed the stray tear from my face before whispering "I've got you." in my ear.

I stole a glance at him, noting the sincerity in his eyes and softly nodded my head before resuming the smile on my face. Then, hand in hand, we stepped up on the Gazebo as the preacher began to read some exerts from the Bible.

I kept my eyes on Mason, afraid that if I dared to look away I would crumble faster than a sandcastle being washed away at the beach. Somehow, this man had became a place of comfort for me in the span of seven days, and as a result I knew when he squeezed my hands, that he would make sure everything went okay.

I watched Masons eyes change and soften as the preacher began the final verse before our vows and for a brief moment it was almost as if they were written just for us and this situation we had entered into.

" Finally I will read the Song of Solomon 8:6-7: "Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the LORD. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised.""

I may not have chosen him as mine, but we were to be sealed upon each other from this day on. All that was left was to make sure that neither of us went down in the process.

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