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Parenting. It's the most difficult and most rewarding thing I have ever done. Not to mention the most exhausting. Still the last few days have been the best days of my life.

They say that when you have kids it proves to you that unconditional love exists. Ill admit, I always believed that love was more of a choice. You chose whether or not to love someone, to stand by their faults and issues and strengthen it as much as you can.

The twins proved me wrong. Every time I look at them, whether it's the middle of the day or three in the morning, I get the feeling of complete love, the kind I know can't be broken easily.

It was a shock at first, to find out last second that we had an extra baby, but I really believe that we needed this. We needed a reminder that we can't control the future. I'm just glad Steven and Mia were able to get duplicates of all the baby stuff we needed.

"Morning mama!" Mason smiled holding Christopher in one arm. "I'm hungry, but daddy already changed my diaper" he continued as he looked down on Christopher with a look of pure joy.

"Morning honey. Thanks for helping me the last few days." I gave him an appreciative look as he handed me Christopher and kissed my forehead.

"Don't ever thank me for doing things I'm supposed to do, as your husband and their dad!" His lips lingered on my forehead.

The baby monitor caught the sound of Harleigh crying upstairs and as I settled Christopher on my left boob to eat, Mason smiled down at me.

"I'll get our princess ready and bring her down." He kissed the top of Christopher's head before disappearing upstairs.

It was about ten minutes later when he returned, adoration coving his face as he looked at our daughter. He was going to be in big trouble when she grew up, I could already tell he was going to be putty in her hands. Heck she probably wouldn't have a boyfriend until she moved out.

I was fortunate in the fact that other than some tightening of the skin, I had almost lost all of my baby weight already, something which was a blessing - so Mia kept reminding me.

She had visited almost every day for the last three days since we came home and while I really loved her visits, after months of being stuck inside, or in the hospital,  I was definitely suffering from Cabin Fever and needed a break from the confinements of the house.

"Mase.." I handed him Harleigh, who like her brother, was now full and happy. "Do you think you could keep them alone for an hour or two? So I can.. I don't know.. go to the store, or grab lunch... or just feel less deprived of the world?"

He eyed me cautiously as if he knew this would be coming, and a small smile crept up his face. "You pumped yesterday right?"

I nodded. It's one of the things I had started doing since my milk came in on day two - pumping so that he could also feed them, especially in the overnight hours.

"Call Mia and go grab lunch. I got them." He smiled and I jumped up to kiss his cheek.

"You're seriously the best husband ever!" I gushed at him.

"I try, but Soph?" I turned back to face him, "take a shower and wear something nice, you kind of smell like baby puke!" He chuckled.

"I take back my comment!" I playfully rolled my eyes with a smile before dashing upstairs to text Mia and get ready.

When I was finally ready Mia picked me up, spending fifteen minutes gushing over the twins, with such persistence that we had to promise her some babysitting time just so I could actually get her out of the house.

We sat in a little cafe downtown and sipped on sodas while we ate fresh Sandwiches and fries. It was nice, feeling like a human being again, not being locked away from the world because your husbands ex is a psycho with a powerful father.

"So how's it been going?" She asked as I smiled.

"Perfect, I mean I couldn't ask for anything better." I grinned as I felt a presence behind me.

"Sophie!" The high pitched voice grabbed my attention as I turned around with a straw in my mouth. "So good to see you! You know my father has been trying to get you both over for dinner for the longest time?" She said with a trace of amusement. "Too busy for us?"

"Not at all!" I plastered a fake smile. "In fact I was just arranging a night for Mia to come do my hair. I managed to get a week of from school next week. Mason was going to call once I had it finalized." I continued as I noticed she was struggling to keep the cheery attitude.

"Well, please make sure he does that!" She smirked before walking out of the cafe.

"Well that was fun!"

"What a bitch!" Mia said at the same time.

"So babysitting next week sound good? Apparently I have some business to attend?" I rolled my eyes and dunked another fry in ketchup.

"You bet! Did Mason sort out the inheritance yet?" She asked calmly.

"Yes! We were waiting on the paternity test which came back this morning so it should be final tomorrow! Even if Mason divorces me, everything goes to the kids, even his shares of the company. None of it can ever go to spouses or anything like that."

"Yeah Steven said the same about his shares too!"

I grinned and paid the check while she finished her food. Mia was seriously the best friend I ever could have asked for, and as we sang loudly in the front seat on the way back to the house, I couldn't help but feel that she would always be someone I counted on.

"Love you Mia!" I smiled as I got out the car. "I'll text you about next week!"

"Just make sure you pump lots! Tell Mason he's going to have to limit what he uses until then! Newborns are always hungry!" She laughed before she pulled away.

I opened the door and a cold chill washed over me.

"Mason?" I called out and got no response. "Mase?"

Immediately I panicked.

I checked to see if his car was here. It was. I checked the yard, the twins room, the living room. I couldn't find them. It wasn't until I called his phone that I realized I missed a spot.

I carefully walked into our room, first noticing that the bed was empty. On the floor was several blankets laid out. Masons large body was on his back, one arm holding Harleigh, the other holding Christopher, as all three of them slept.

I sighed in relief and took a picture before quietly closing the door.

Sometimes he scared me shitless, but even still, he was undeniably the best father a woman could need for her children.

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