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Something was off with Mason and I couldn't figure it out. At first I thought he was just running late for work because he didn't make coffee or breakfast like he had since I got here. However, he also wasn't answering my messages, or if he did it was one letter 'K' replies.

I tried to brush it off, but It definitely felt like something was wrong, especially when he didn't come home until after ten and would barely look at me.

"Mason what's wrong?" I asked, apparently the wrong question because he completely freaked.

"Nothing." He was curt and dismissive.

"O-kay." I rolled my eyes, deflated and a little put off by his sudden hostile attitude towards me. "I don't believe you." I turned on my heels and walked into the kitchen.

"I don't think your attitude is necessary." He grumbled after me.

I heard his phone ring and then listened as he spoke in hushed tones over the phone. I couldn't make out what he was saying but I heard him sigh and tell whoever it was that he would "be there soon.". He didn't bother to say anything to me, he just got up and left.

That night, I slept alone.

The next few days were pretty much the same, except he would eventually return home. On the fourth or fifth day I resigned to the fact that he had probably decided to revert to our original plan of not complicating things, or he was seeing someone else. That thought alone making me nauseous.

I had warned myself that this would happen, that I would fall for him only for him to not feel the same. It simultaneously hurt like hell and also made me feel sick to know that I was willing to give up so much, change my future for him when I meant nothing in return.

Still, I had to hold up the happy couple front for a little while longer. Mason was still paying for my parents medical treatments, and I couldn't risk loosing that.

Instead I formulated a plan. When Mason left for work the next morning I got out of the sheets that always seemed cold now, and slowly moved my things back to the spare room. If he was really as unhappy as he seemed, I would give him the space he needed. Honestly, it was probably for the best anyway.

I then spent the remainder of the day looking up law schools. While we were away on our honeymoon he had told me to stay close for school, but given the change in atmosphere these days it seemed like he wouldn't care if I left now anyway.

When it was close to eight I made some Alfredo, leaving a plate for Mason wrapped up on the counter. He still needed to eat and there was plenty left over. Then I grabbed a can of soda and my own food and went to my room. I didn't want to know if he ate the food, I just wanted the tension to stop.

Honestly it kind of hurt, the way he was acting. I was fairly sure that I hadn't done anything, and yet I was still hiding myself away as if I had. I guess that's the reason people shy away from feelings in the first place, because they hurt like hell when they go wrong.

It was about three hours later when I heard the front door click closed at the same time a wave of nausea took over me. It wasn't the usual tense nausea, no. This was something upset in the depths of my stomach and as I rushed to the bathroom I couldn't help but empty my stomach into the toilet.

"Mason!" I yelled as I continued to hurl. It must have been the chicken in the Alfredo and I didn't want him to get sick, whether we were currently speaking or not.

I heard his footsteps approaching and flushed the toilet, wiping my mouth before he entered my bathroom. "Be mad at me if you want but Don't eat the chicken I left, I think it's bad." I warned as I started throwing up again.

He didn't speak, but I felt his hand grab my hair as his other began rubbing my back. His warm breath was hitting the back of my neck, which was now clammy.

"I'm going to get you some water." He said monotonously, "I'll be right back."

I don't know how long it took him to come back but when he did, I drank the water and weakly tried to get up. I was now exhausted, but I needed to wash my hands before I got into bed.

Quietly I stood and opened the cabinet under the sink to grab another bottle of hand soap when the box beside it caught my attention.


The blue Tampax box was staring me in the face and if I was right, I was now over a week and a half late. For most it probably wouldn't seem like much, but my periods had arrived like clockwork the same date each month since I hit puberty and being almost fourteen days late wasn't usual.

"Do you need anything else?" He asked bringing me out of my internal panic.

"No, I'm fine thanks." I replied, turning on the faucet and trying to act as normal as possible.

He turned to walk out, stopping in the doorway. "You moved all your things?"

"Yeah, I mean it's not as if you've been coming home anyway." I sighed, refusing to Turn and face him.

"It isn't, you didn't, you know never mind." He sounded hurt but walked away nonetheless.

As soon as I was completely alone I locked the bedroom door and sat on my bed. Emotionally I was breaking down. If my period was this late it was almost given that I could be pregnant. I mean we weren't exactly careful on our real fake honeymoon.

I let the tears fall as I curled up on my bed. Tomorrow, when Mason was gone I would go to the drug store and take a few tests. It was the only way to know for sure.

Still as I laid there thinking about the future I would possibly be bringing a child into, I didn't like it. A mother and a father who got along well, but for some reason decided not too.

It wasn't the future I had planned. I wanted my kids to look at the love I shared with their father and aspire to have the same. Not to end up pressured into being with someone for money or a child or any of the reasons I currently found myself in.

I had to keep the hope that the little test would work in my favor.

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