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Curiosity killed the cat, or at least that's what they say. Still, I didn't know what Sophie wanted to talk about. She hadn't hinted to what it could be, and we hadn't had any disagreements or issues lately that would mean this was any kind of negative talk.

In fact, it had been the opposite. She actually seemed happier than she had been months ago. Even so, the look of dread and discomfort on her face when I walked in the house was enough to tell me whatever it was, she didn't want me to know.

"Hey honey." I smiled kissing her cheek before sitting f down beside her.

"I've been seeing a therapist!" She blurted out.

"What?" I replied perplexed.

"A therapist. Mase I got depressed and I couldn't figure out why. Anyway I started seeing a therapist a few months ago. Had my last session today." She half smiled.

"That's great! So you're feeling better?" I asked, making sure not to add to whatever her discomfort was.

"Yeah, but there's something else. I saw Sierra when I was leaving today. She knows I didn't tell you." She slumped.

Was I irritated she hadn't told me? Sure, but I also knew that Sophie struggled to admit things, even to me.

"I don't care what she knows. Besides, the main thing is that you feel better. As long as you and the kids are happy and healthy, I don't care if you never told me."

"Really?" She looked at me curiously.

"Yeah, I mean of course I would have loved to have been able to support you, but I get why you didn't want to talk about it."

"I love you Mase." She half smiled, reinforcing the feeling that as long as she was okay, it really didn't matter if she told me.

"And I love you! Now where are my babies?"

"Sleeping, I put them down earlier than usual because they were fussy." She scooted closer to me and wrapped her arms around my stomach as her head rested on my shoulder.

"Okay, but Soph?" I started, still feeling as if something needed to be said, "just promise me in the future you'll talk to me, you know if you need something. I don't need to know every little thing, but if you're struggling with something I want to help."

"Okay!" She tightened her grip on me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Don't be. It's us against the world." I kissed the top of her head.

I guess I should have expected Sierra to show up at some point, although I'll admit, I didn't think she had it in her to come to my office anymore.

"Can I help you?" I asked as she glanced around my office, eyeballing the framed picture of our family that was hanging on the wall.

"Actually yes," she flipped her hair over her shoulder as if she were completely unbothered. "I ran into your wife the other day, just thought you should know she's been seeing a therapist." Her tone was unbothered, but the smirk told me everything I needed to know.

"Okay? Is that all?" I asked.

"You really don't care that she lied to you? Or that she paid someone to talk to her instead of coming to you?"

"Sierra, I trust my wife. I know about the therapist and if that's what she needs I support her, why does our business concern you?"

"You know, you're kids look just like you." She diverted the conversation and took a step closer to my desk. Her proximity had me on alert and I stood up.

"Sierra." I warned.

"It could have been us. Just like the old days, me, you, a couple of kids. How can I change your mind Mason? Just tell me what to do and I'll do it?"

"Sierra, I love Sophie." I tried to speak calmly so as not to set her off. "I just want you to move on, find happiness wherever you can. There are plenty of men out there, men who look better than me and have a lot more money."

"Really?" She asked as she thought about what I had said.

"Absolutely, heck it would be easy for you to find one, you're good looking, and when you actually try you're not bad to be around. Go find someone who values that!" I urged her. "I know the owner of lantack industries is single, I could pass your number along?" I offered sending that she was opening up to the idea.

"Actually, that would be great. I'm kind of bored going back and forth with you anyway." She shrugged and stepped back. "Tell him I only do four stars and above" she flicked her hair again before strutting out of my office.

I didn't necessarily want to pawn her off on someone else, but the owner of lantack was as stuck up as she is. Honestly they are probably a match made in heaven, or hell.

When I finally got home I sent the number to Forrest and helped Sophie with the twins as I explained the day to her. Somehow she found it hilarious that I set two mentally immature adults up, but I would do it over and over again to have these moments with her.

The moments where her hair is a mess from raising twins and her face is clear of makeup. The moments where I can see the purple bags under her eyes, but know that they come from her attentiveness to our kids. The way her head tilts forward slightly before she throws it back when she laughs. Most of all I would do it just to have every possible minute loving every last thing about her.

"Soph?" I whispered as she laid in my arms later that night.

"Mhmm." She mumbled as her fingers played with mine on my stomach.

"I love you."

"Love you more Mase." She leaned up and kissed my chin.

In fact Every moment with her was one I would forever cherish.

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