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My head is pounding and I'm pretty sure something smells bad wherever this is. I don't remember much, I had gone downstairs and the front door was open. I assumed it was Hunter until something hit the back of my head, causing me to fall over on the table.

Mason was going to lose his mind, he loved that stupid table.

Everything went dark after that, but based on the darkness of this room, the hard floor, and the musty smell I'm going to guess I'm probably in a large closet or a basement of some sort, although I'm still not completely sure why I am here?

I reached down, carefully rubbing my stomach, to which the little nugget gives my hand a swift kick, just enough to let me know that he or she is okay, simultaneously relaxing me.

The sound of incoming footsteps had me scrambling to  formulate a plan. I had no clue where I was, or who brought me here, but I had a strong feeling that it wasn't for anything good.

I closed my eyes and curled into a ball, slowing my breathing to give whoever it was the illusion that I was still knocked out. It was pretty much the only option I had right now, I had to buy time so I could figure out how to get out of here.

I wasn't sure if Mason knew I was gone yet, but I assumed Hunter had probably gotten to the house by now so I was optimistic that the police were looking for me. I just hoped I would see him again.

"What did you do to her?" I heard a female voice I never thought I would ever hear again.

"Nothing, she hit her head when she fell." Another voice said, filling my veins with ice. It was the voice of my nightmares, one that I had hoped I would never hear again.

"Damn it Jaxon." Carly's voice said as I felt soft hands rubbing my face. "You said you wanted to apologize, not knock her out cold!"

"She wasn't going to listen to me!" He argued back as I tried like hell not to react to either of them.

"You think she will now? Fuck! Leave some food and water here for when she wakes up, I'll check on her in an hour." Carly said before I heard one set of footsteps walk out.

"Finally alone!" His voice got closer. "It really is a shame it had to come to this, but you have been all I could think about for years. When I saw your face in the news, married to that, that hypocrite of a man, I knew I had to save you." He caressed my face and it took everything in me not to flinch at the touch. "I'll explain it all when you wake up, but I'm so glad I found you Sophie, now we can finally be together again." He pressed a kiss to my lips as I ignored the bile rising in the back of my throat.

"Jaxon come on!" Carly called.

"Coming!" He snapped back before I heard him also leave the room and lock the door.

I opened my eyes back up and wiped away the tears that had formed. I was in deep trouble. I would have almost preferred Sierra took me, at least she would just kill me quickly, get me out of the way.

As I shuffled around I found my cell phone, hidden in my bra where I kept it when we were building stuff. I pulled it out and with one bar of reception I managed to get a text out to Mason.

Me: Jaxon took me, I don't know where. I don't have a lot of service and I'm not sure how much time I have before he comes back. I'm going to hide my phone so he doesn't take it, but just incase something happens, know that I love you.

I hit send and almost instantly got a reply back.

Husband: Leave your phone on silent, I'll see if Steven can track you! I'm just glad you're okay! I'm going to find you Soph, I love you with all my heart and no matter what that won't ever change. Do whatever you need to do to come back to me. We will find you! I love you more than I could ever express in words.

I did as he said, turning my phone to silent and dimming the screen brightness to save battery. Then I slid it in the far corner of the room under a pile of dirty rags.

I had numbly managed to scramble to my feet and took in the room. It was definitely a basement and if I wasn't pregnant I could probably have slid through the tiny widow leading to what I assumed was the yard. Apart from that, there was a small windowless bathroom and one door in or out of the decently sized concrete room.

I took a laboring glance out the small window, unfamiliar with the surroundings. Most of what I could see was just a field with some trees and the sky. I could hear cars passing by every now and then, but I couldn't see a road from this room.

That's when I heard the lock on the door twisting and rushed back to where I had been laying, sitting with my hands over my head.

Masons words were echoing in my head and as the baby rolled in my stomach I knew I needed to trust that he would find me.

"Do whatever you need to do to come back to me."

"Oh good, you're awake." Carly smiled sympathetically as I took in her appearance. She had the same eyes, but clearly life hadn't been kind to her. Deep purple circles now surrounded them and she had lost a lot of weight.

"Why am I here Carly?" I asked playing dumb to the whole situation. Carly was loyal to Steven to a fault, but she wasn't cruel or dishonest. It's a part of what made us good friends when we first met.

"Jaxon just wants to apologize. He told me what happened back then, about him rejecting you. He never meant for us to stop talking or for you to take all the heat. If it helps, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have picked sides." Her eyes dropped to the floor and I had to hold back a snort in the back of my throat.

"Does he really think breaking into my house, kidnapping me and knocking me out is a good way to apologize?" I blurted.

"He was desperate and it's not as if you would have heard him out if he would have called or walked up to you." She defended him.

"You're probably right." I sighed, remembering Masons words. There was no sense in arguing with her when it was going to get me no where. "Can you go get him so he can apologize and I can go home then? I'm not trying to be rude Carly, but I'm pregnant and I would really like to see my doctor after getting knocked out!"

She opened her mouth to speak as her eyes grazed down to my hand covering my small bump.

"He fucking got you pregnant?" We both turned around to a red faced, furious, Jaxon, standing in the doorway.


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