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Being in close proximity with Jaxon was terrifying, but what bothered me more was the fact that Carly, someone I once considered a friend, had assisted him in this whole facade.

I shouldn't be surprised really. When the whole incident with Jaxon first happened she was my best friend, confidant, the person I truly thought would stand by me as I tried to heal myself, tried to heal the trauma he caused me. But she didn't. Her loyalty was always with him, and even now, after she knows I'm pregnant, she is doing nothing but idly standing by.

There is one positive to her presence though. The reality that as long as she is in this room, he will not touch me.

"He fucking got you pregnant!" He yelled causing not only me to flinch, but Carly too. I still didn't completely understand what her loyalty was to him, but it wasn't exactly a good time to question it either.

"Jaxon!" Carly warned, some unknown emotion crossing over her face as she looked at him. Sympathy? pity? It was hard to tell.

"Seven and a half months. Not that it should be a big deal, I mean he's my husband." I explained for Carly's benefit, Jaxon only seemed more angry as the vein in his neck started to bulge out.

"Ha!" He snorted. "You really think a man like that loves you? Come on Sophie, even you're not that dumb. He probably wanted a nice fuck and when you tricked him into thinking it was his, he felt obligated to stay with you."

"I'm sorry, tricked?" I raised my eyebrows sarcastically. I never stood up to Jaxon in college, but I damn sure wasn't going to make that mistake twice.

"Yeah, because you're a whore, have been since college, maybe even before that!" He snickered. "That's why you tried to ruin my life with those accusations, but everyone knew the truth back then, and I'm sure he does too!"

His outburst caused me to let out a small chuckle at the irony of his words. His eyes seemed to dilate as his jaw ticked, while Carly shifted uncomfortably beside him.

"You think that's funny? That everyone knows you're a whore?" He took a step closer towards me, and rather than cower away like I desperately wanted to, I stood my ground. I couldn't afford to be weak, not with another life counting on me.

"I think it's funny that your accusing me of lying about my child's father when he is the ONLY" I purposely exaggerated the word "person that I have ever slept with."

"Liar!" He moved closer again and Carly reached out as if she was going to grab him, before retreating her hand with a scared look on her face.

Tell me about it! I thought to myself.

"Why am I even here Jaxon?" I asked getting irritated. "Carly said you wanted to apologize but I haven't heard anything close to an apology."

"You're here to admit that you made up that story in college, that you lied for attention." He moved again and was now standing close enough to touch me if he wanted too.

I was pressed against the wall with no where to go. Carly's hands were shaking and I knew that she knew nothing about his real intentions here, she probably wasn't going to be much help either.

Before I could laugh in his face and just get everything over with the doorbell rang and he mumbled a curse word, before sending Carly off to the door.

He leaned over me and his hand traced down the side of my neck, down my body to my butt, where his hand seemed to curve between my legs and squeeze, pulling me upwards.

"It really is a shame he got you pregnant, I'm usually against kids going to foster care, but it's not as if we could have it running around with our kids."

I resisted the sudden urge to hurl from that comment and fortunately for me,  Carly called for him through the house so that I wasn't alone with him long, sparing me from whatever other hateful words he was about to throw my way.

I just hoped Mason would find me soon. He had to find me soon.

I sat down on the cold, hard, concrete wrapping my arms around my knees as the weight of this whole situation settled heavily on my chest. I don't know how, but I managed to hold the tears in. Jaxon Price wasn't going to get the satisfaction of knowing that he got to me - again.

I retreated back into the closet area. Perhaps if I checked my phone Mason would have sent me a message, or a hint that he was close or even coming. I mean he told me he loved me, so he had to be coming right?

Still, as Jaxons words about him probably feeling stuck invaded my mind, I knew I needed to find a way out of here - before I started to doubt everything in my life.

I guess my thoughts were a little too late because, by the time I had picked up my phone the battery was dead and the door to the basement opened, a smirking Jaxon walking in more smug than usual.

"Where were we?" He grinned walking towards me as I realized that there was no way out of this.

"Where is Carly?" I asked, uncomfortably aware that he was only a few feet away now.

"She's a little tied up." He snickered as he closed the gap between us and grabbed my hair. "Now, how about a do over. I don't think I ever finished what we started in college." His free hand moved under my shirt and grabbed at my breast.

I yelped in pain, begging him to stop as tears pricked my eyes, before I heard a loud bang upstairs followed by footsteps.

"I think Carly got free." I choked out, distracting him just enough.

"Shit." He cursed "if you fucking move I swear to god I'll kill you." He warned before he stormed out of the room, leaving the door open behind him.

I now had two options. I could stay and wait out whatever fate he had in store, or I could try to escape although I had no clue where I was or how to even get out of here.

Do whatever you need to do to come back to me.

The words replayed over and over in my head. I could live with the torture, with whatever disgusting plans Jaxon had, but I couldn't live with the thought of Mason having to find me or our unborn child dead because I didn't stay put.

The footsteps got louder as they approached the door and I instinctively cowered covering my face with my hands.

Hopefully the torture of his plans would be quick. I just wanted to see Mason one more time, tell him I love him one more time, then I could accept whatever fate awaited me.

What I couldn't accept was not having the chance to do those things.

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