Days Gone Bye

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Shaylee's POV

I climb out of my jeep and Ace follows me out as my eyes fall on my family home and a few stray dead ones roaming about the neighborhood

I quickly pull off my jacket and toss it in the passenger seat before closing the driver door

"Come on, boy. Seek." I say as I squat down and let him sniff one of Carl's bracelets he gave me the day I shipped out for basic training

Ace takes off running towards the house and I follow after him killing a dead one that's on the porch

Ace sits down in front of the closed front door before I slowly push it open

"Hello?" I call out

"Carl? Dad?" I call out as I slowly step inside but I receive no answer

"Anybody home?" I call out as I close the door behind Ace and I

I look around my childhood home as I see things thrown about as if they left in a hurry

I tried so hard to get leave to come home to see my dad after he was shot but my CO wouldn't give it to me

A single tear trails down my face as I pick up the only family picture left in sight

I was twelve in this one, my dad basically forced Lori to allow my mom to be in them because I refused to be in them if my mom wasn't gonna be in them. Figures it's the only one Lori left behind

I wipe my tears away as I walk into my old bedroom that has NSYNC posters, Red Hot Chili Peppers posters, Outkast posters, and cutouts of all my favorite celebrities plastered on the walls. My music taste was a little all over the place back then

I walk over to my nightstand before picking up a picture of my mom, my dad, and I shortly before she and my dad divorced


"Shay, sweetheart, would you come here for a minute? Your dad and I would like to talk to you." My mom calls out as I play with my G.I. Joe action figures

"Coming." I call out as I drop the action figures before hurrying out of my room and into the living room where I see my parents sitting on the edge of the coffee table waiting on me

"Yes?" I ask as I walk over to them before plopping down on the couch in front of them

"Your dad and I need to talk to you about something." My mom says before I notice her voice crack

"Mommy?" I ask softly as I notice her eyes gloss over

"Angel, your mom and I...we're...your mom and I are getting..." My dad trails off as his voice cracks as well and he quickly tears his eyes from mine

"You're getting a what?" I ask

"We're getting a divorce, Sweetheart." My mom chokes out as a single tear falls down her cheek

"A divorce? Ashley G's parent's got one of those last year because her mommy said her daddy couldn't keep it in his pants. Is that why you're getting one? Because daddy couldn't keep it in his pants, whatever "it" is." I ask making them both let out a laugh

"No, Sweetie. That is not it at all." My mom says

"Do you not love each other anymore?" I ask

"We love each other very much, Angel. We're just not in love anymore." My dad tells me

"What the hecks the difference?" I ask as I scrunch my eyebrows together

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