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Shaylee's POV

"He's just perfect." I say as I sit on a park bench with Lori and my mom while we watch Shane, Nathan, T-Dog, and Lucah play tag

"He is." My mom says with a soft smile before I hear church bells toll in the distance

"Shay!" I hear a familiar voice say but it sounds so distant

"Did you hear that?" I ask as I look around

"S, I need you to wake up now." The voice says before I realize it's Glenn

"G?" I call out as I look around

"He's not here, Shay." Lori tells me

"But I just heard him." I say

"He's there, at the prison. Which technically is where you are." Lori tells me

"She's not breathing." I hear Hershel say causing me to look around

"What does that mean, Lor?" I ask

"Starting CPR." I hear Hershel say

"It means you're dying, Shay." Nate says as he walks over to me

"I don't understand. I thought being here meant I was already dead." I say

"No. Not quite." My mom says as T-Dog, Shane, and Lucah walk over to us

"You still have a choice, Shay." Shane says

"Let us moms take a walk with our not-so-little girl." My mom says before they lead me away from the guys

"She's got a pulse." I hear Glenn say

"Why can I hear them?" I ask

"Because they want you to." My mom tells me

"When I first got here, I heard you. I heard you begging for the doctors and nurses to save me." She tells me

"I heard Carl." Lori tells me

"We hear you when you talk to us." Lori says

"You can hear me?" I ask as we walk

"We can. We hear the pain in your voice. We can hear how much you miss us." My mom tells me

"Lucah loves when you talk to him." My mom tells me causing a smile to form on my face

"So I have to choose, here or there?" I ask

"It's not that easy, baby." My mom tells me

"It's not your time yet. You still have so much to offer the world." She adds

"Because you're gonna beat this world, Shaybelle." Lori says with a warm smile as we come to a stop and I look back over at Lucah playing with the guys

"So I have to leave him?" I ask as the tears flood my eyes

"I'm afraid so, sweetheart." My mom says as she drapes her arm over my shoulders and pulls me into her side

"But I just got here." I say as the tears fall from my eyes

"I know, Sweetie. But I promise you we got him until you get here for good." My mom tells me

"We should go say our goodbyes." Lori says before we walk back over to them and they all line up for me to say goodbye

"I can't do this mom. I can't leave him." I whisper as the tears pour from my eyes

"She's seizing again!" I hear Sasha shout before the sky rumbles

"You have to, my love. You have to go back to them." My mom says

"You have to go home." She whispers as she wipes my tears away

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