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Shaylee's POV

My eyes fall on Michonne, Carl, Jude, and Gabriel standing outside of the church and I see walker hands sticking out of the church doors before Abraham drives over the steps, blocking the doors

I look over at Eugene who is asleep before we all climb out and Carl runs into my open arms and I peck the top of Jude's head who is in the baby carrier on Carl's back

"You okay?" I ask as I grip Carl's face in my hands

"I'm okay." He says as Maggie hugs Michonne and I release Carl

"You're back." Michonne says as she pulls me into her embrace for a quick hug

"Eugene lied." Glenn says as she releases me

"He can't stop it. Washington isn't the end." He adds

"Where is everybody else?" I ask her before she steps over to Maggie

"Beth's alive. She's in a hospital in Atlanta. Some people have her, but the others went to get her back." Michonne says with a big smile

"Your sister's alive." I say with a big smile

"No, Shay. Our sister's alive." Maggie says with a warm smile as tears form in both of our eyes

"Yeah, Mags. Our sister." I say before pulling her into my embrace

"Do we know which one?" Maggie asks as I release her and Michonne nods her head in response

"Grady Memorial." Michonne says

"Oh, my god!" Maggie exclaims as she engulfs Glenn in a hug and tears fall from my eyes

"Let's blow this joint, go save your guys sister." Tara says with a big smile as I wipe my tears away and my mind wanders to my actual sister. No, not Judith

"Hey. Let me borrow you for a second." Glenn says before he pulls me away from the others

"Please, don't." I say as I avoid eye contact with him

"We gotta talk about her eventually, Shay." Glenn says

"I mean, you've shut the conversation down every time I try to bring her up." He adds

"Did you ever think that maybe I just don't wanna talk about her?" I ask him

"Maybe it hurts too damn much, G. Maybe it hurts to even just think about her." I say as more tears form in my eyes

"I really fucked up in the big sister department. I mean, I fucked up with Carl and her. And hell, I'll prolly fuck it up with Jude, too." I say

"That kid over there idolizes you, S. He always has. And she did, too. You didn't fuck up as a big sister. You lost yourself for a while and for good reason. And I'm sure she and Carl understood." Glenn says as a single tear trails down my cheek

"She wrote me a letter, ya know? Right before I got back. She asked me to come see her when I got back. And I told her I would and then I got back and I didn't. And that is one of my biggest regrets." I say as the tears pour from my eyes

"I shoulda gone to see her." I say before he pulls me into his embrace

"I am sure she is out there surviving somehow. That's what you guys said to each other, right? Survive somehow. So I'm sure she is out there doing just that." Glenn says before releasing me and I wipe my tears away

"You gotta stop beatin' yourself up, though. You're not perfect, Shay, and that's okay." He tells me and I nod my head in response

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All of us except Eugene climb out of the firetruck and head towards the entrance of the hospital with our weapons raised

Glenn hurries over and takes out a walker and I send an arrow into another's skull before I see the door open and I see the others walking out of the hospital

Maggie grabs a hold of my hand as we walk towards them before our eyes fall on Daryl carrying Beth's lifeless body out of the church

"No." I whisper as Maggie drops her rifle and releases my hand

"No." I say as tears form in my eyes

"No!" Maggie wails out as she drops to her knees and I chuck my bow off to the side angrily as tears pour from my eyes

"No." I say as Tara attempts to pull me into her embrace but I push her away

"Come here." She says as I sob

"No. Stop. No." I protest as she grabs my hands and pulls me towards her

"Yes. Come here." She says as she pulls me into her embrace

"No." I sob

"Oh, Beth." I cry out as Tara rubs my back soothingly

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