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Shaylee's POV

I throw one of the dead ones over my shoulder and I carry it over to the fire before tossing it in with the rest of the dead ones

I look over at my dad, Daryl, Lori, Shane, Carol, and Dale who are discussing how to deal with Amy because Andrea won't leave her side

A hand grips my shoulder causing me to spin around and grip the person's throat

"Shay. Shay, relax. Shaylee." Glenn says as I realize it's only him

"Sorry." I say as I release his throat

"Sorry. I'm sorry." I mutter as I stumble backward

"Shaylee, maybe you should go lie down for a bit. Dale said you could use the RV." He says softly

"No. No, we have to bury our dead and burn the rest. We have work to do." I say as my mind races

"Shay, you've been awake for over 48 hours. I think it is very important that you get some rest." Glenn says as he slowly steps towards me

"I'm fine. I'll sleep when I get my soldiers back to base." I say as I hear a helicopter

"Do you hear that?" I ask as I look up into the sky and I see a helicopter

"Barnes, there's a helicopter. That's our rescue team." I say with a big smile

-Narrator's POV-

"Shay. Shay, look at me." Glenn says as Shaylee stares up at the empty sky

"Shaylee, there's nothing there." Glenn says as the others begin to listen in

"Glenn, what's goin' on?" Rick asks

"Shay? Shaylee, look at me." Glenn says as he steps closer to her and he reaches to grip her shoulder but she grabs his hand and flips him to the ground before she pulls her glock from her holster and points it at his face

"Hey!" Everyone shouts as they rush over and Shaylee hovers over Glenn

"Shaylee!" Rick shouts before she aims her gun at them

"Everybody, stop. Just stop. She's...she thinks...she thinks she's in combat. It's a flashback." Glenn says from the ground as Shaylee's eyes scan for threats

"Shaylee A. Grimes. Corporal in the United States Army. 10-90-72-23-66." Shaylee tells them

"How do we snap her out of it?" Daryl asks

"Shaylee, put the gun down. You're not in Iraq. You are in Georgia. You're in Georgia, baby. You are safe and you are home." Rick tells her

"Shaylee A. Grimes. Corporal in the United States Army. 10-90-72-23-66." She repeats

"Shaybelle." Lori calls out softly as she slowly steps in front of Rick

"Shaybelle, you are home. You are safe." Lori says as she slowly steps towards Shaylee

"I wanna go home." Shaylee mutters as Lori reaches her before she slowly takes the gun from Shaylee

"Look at me, baby. Look, at me." Lori says as she tosses the gun behind her causing it to land at Rick's feet before he quickly picks it up and shoves it in the waistband of his pants and Lori reaches out and grips Shaylee's face in her hands

"Mom?" Shaylee asks as she locks eyes with Lori

"Yes, baby. It's mom." Lori says softly

"I am so tired." Shaylee mutters

"Let's get you to bed. Come on, baby." Lori says as she slowly leads her to the RV

"You're okay, my love." Lori says softly as they step up into the RV

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