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Shaylee's POV


"I've known this man for less than six weeks and I already know he's the one, Glenn. I know this sounds absolutely crazy. Believe me, I know that." I say into the phone as I stand in the communications tent

"The fact that we haven't spoken in almost a year and yet you called to tell me about him tells me enough, Shay." Glenn says

"Shaylee's in love, Shaylee's in love." He teases in a sing-song voice

"Stop it." I say with a small laugh as Espinosa, the only other woman in my unit walks into the communications tent

"Hey, Corp!" Espinosa calls out as she walks over to me

"Yeah?" I ask as I cover the bottom half of the phone

"Barnes is lookin' for you. Him and his unit are about to head out on patrol." Espinosa tells me before she walks away from me

"Hey, I gotta go. I'll call you later?" I ask

"You better, Shay-Shay." Glenn says

"I will, I promise." I say

"Love you." I add before hanging up the phone and hurrying out of the communications tent

I see Barnes' humvee driving towards the gate before I run after it

"Wait! Wait a sec!" I call after it before it comes to a stop and I run up the passenger door

"You were looking for me?" I ask as my eyes fall on Barnes in the passenger seat and a big smile forms on his face

"Didn't think you'd come." He says

"I guess I proved you wrong." I say with a soft smile

"I have a question." He says as he takes my left hand in his

"I might have an answer." I say as butterflies swirl around in my stomach

"When we go home in two weeks, will you marry me?" He asks as he slips a ring made of paracord on my ring finger

"Yes. Yes, Nathan. A thousand times yes." I say before he connects our lips in a sweet kiss

I pull away as a small giggle escapes my lips

"No fraternization." I say as I continue to giggle

"Two weeks and I'm out anyway. What're they gonna do? Kick me out early for kissing the woman that I love?" He asks with a big smile

"I love you." He says

"I love you, too." I say

-Flashback Over-

"Daryl, you cover the back." Shane says as we all slowly walk into the building

"Hello? Hello?" My dad calls out

"Close those doors." I order as T-Dog continues to grip my hand in his

"Watch for walkers." Dale says

"Hello?" My dad calls out again before Glenn cocks his shotgun when a man appears with a gun aimed at us

"Anybody infected?" He asks causing his voice echoes

"One of our group was. He didn't make it." My dad says

"Why are you here? Whatta you want?" The man asks

"A chance." My dad says

"That's asking an awful lot these days." The man says

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