Hounded && When The Dead Come Knocking

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Shaylee's POV

I take my dog tags off and hook them to Ace's collar

I just can't run anymore. I can't fight anymore. I'm completely exhausted

I kiss the top of Ace's head

"Find the others." I say breathlessly before I kiss the top of Ace's head and he takes off running as I sit with my back against the wall next to the last walker I took down

I have one bullet left. Do I use it to end my life? Or do I save it for a walker and hope to survive?

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Glenn walks back into the cellblock after sitting at Shay's grave before barking fills his ears causing his head to snap towards the gate that leads out of the cellblock and his eyes fall on Ace standing on the other side of it

"Guys!" Glenn calls out as he runs over to the gate and opens it and Daryl and Maggie rush into the common room

Glenn kneels down to Ace and his eyes immediately fall on Shaylee's dog tags before he unhooks them as Ace continues to bark at them

"Those are Shay's." Daryl says from behind Glenn before Ace runs back out of the cell block

"Come on!" Daryl shouts before he, Maggie, and Glenn follow Ace

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"Take me to her, boy." Daryl says to Ace as they approach a corner before a gunshot fills their ears causing them to race around the corner and their eyes fall on Shaylee pointing her gun at a walker who is now on the floor right in front of her

She looks over at Glenn, Daryl, and Maggie before her eyes fall on Ace and a weak smile forms on her face as Glenn walks over to her

"Good, boy." She says in a raspy voice as Glenn kneels down to her

"Is everybody okay?" She asks as Glenn glances up at Daryl and Maggie

-Shaylee's POV-

Glenn, Maggie, and Daryl look at me with so much sympathy in their eyes

"Who?" I ask

"Let's just get you back--" Glenn starts

"Glenn, just tell me." I say cutting him off

"Carol," Daryl says before he looks over at Maggie

"Lori," Maggie says

"The baby?" I ask in a frightened tone as Glenn and Daryl help me up off the floor

"You have a little sister." Daryl tells me causing a small smile to form on my face

"Shay." Glenn says softly as he looks into my eyes

"What?" I ask

"We lost T, as well." He says softly

"What?" I ask as tears form in my eyes

"I'm sorry." He says as Daryl throws my arm over his shoulders and I feel my knees go weak but before I can fall to the floor Daryl scoops me up in his arms

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Glenn pushes the door to the cellblock open where I see everyone eating except for my dad and Daryl sets me back down on my feet

"Shay!" Carl exclaims as he gets up from the table and runs over to me

"Hey, kiddo." I say with a smile as he hugs me

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