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Shaylee's POV

I couldn't sleep after Daryl and I's almost kiss last night so I came to my wall and started painting

"Morning, Shay." Carl says as he and my dad walk over to me

"Morning, Angel." My dad says with a soft smile

"Morning." I say with a warm smile as Ace greets them

"Bob's comin' along pretty nice." Carl says as he motions towards my mural

"Thank you, thank you." I say with a smile

"I saw your newest work in the corridor outside of C block." Carl says

"Did you like it?" I ask

"I loved it." Carl says with a big smile

"I did, too. The way you painted our dead into a was beautiful." My dad says with a soft smile

"You guys really liked it?" I ask

"Loved it, Angel." My dad says before pecking my forehead

"We should get to work in the garden." He says

"See ya later, Shay." Carl says before he and dad walk away from me and soon Daryl appears at my side

"Morning, G.I. Jane." He says as he holds out a cup of coffee to me

"Thank you, kind sir." I say with a warm smile as I take the coffee

"Couldn't sleep?" He asks

"No. I, uh...I've been here all night." I tell him

"Listen, about last--" I start

"Seriously, Shay, I'd rather just forget it happened." He says cutting me off

"Oh, okay." I say with disappointment laced through my voice before I avert my eyes

"I should make my rounds." I say as I put the lid on the can of paint

"I'll see ya then." He says before walking away

"Stupid, stupid." I mutter as I slap my forehead

"You say somethin'?" He asks as he stops in his tracks

"No. Nothing." I say before he nods his head and walks away from me

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Ace and I enter D block and see blood everywhere and everyone is screaming causing Ace to bark

"Shaylee!" Mika yells as she and Lizzie run towards me

"Walkers!" Lizzie yells as they reach me

"Go get help. Ace, help." I say before they run out of the cellblock with Ace leading them and I walk further into the cell block as I pull my bow off of my shoulder and I quickly pull an arrow from my quiver before a walker stumbles out of a cell in front of me

I quickly shoot an arrow into its head before a gunshot fills my ears

I turn around and see a guy from the Macon group holding a shotgun

"Move!" Daryl says as he snatches the shotgun from the guy

"Daryl!" My dad yells as he enters the cell block as well and another walker stumbles towards me

"Shay, are you bit?!" My dad yells over the screaming and walker moans

"No!" I yell back as I send a bolt into another walker's skull

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