Nebraska && Triggerfinger

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Shaylee's POV

I exhale softly as I lower my gun and Carol continues to sob

"Don't look. Don't look." Daryl says as he pulls Carol off the ground

Carol jerks out his arms and smacks his arms away before storming off towards the house

I look around and see Maggie with her hand on her dad's shoulder as he is still kneeling, Beth is sobbing as Jimmy holds onto her, and Patricia is just standing next to Jimmy and Beth

"Shh, shh, shh. Wait wait wait." My dad says softly as Beth walks past him and towards the dead walkers

She pushes a walker off of another and kneels down to it sobbing

"Ma--" She starts but is cut off by the walker growling at her

Beth begins screaming as the walker grabs her and Glenn, my dad, and Shane run over to them and try pulling Beth away but can't so Maggie, T-Dog, and myself run over and we all manage to pull her away as Hershel hurries over to her

T-Dog begins kicking the walker in the head before Andrea runs over with a scythe and hits the walker in the head with it

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We had a funeral for our loved ones and we're loading the blue truck up with the rest of the bodies now to burn them

"A few more trips." My dad says as T-Dog and I carry another body over to the truck

"We got lucky. If that barn had any more, we could've been overrun." I say before we toss the body in the back of the truck

"Good thing Shane did what he did. When he did." Andrea says as she tosses an arm in the truck

"You can't tell me this was right." Dale says

"It wasn't. It'll cost us with Hershel." My dad says

"He's grieving. He'll come around, see we had no choice. Look, I shot too. This wasn't all Shane." Andrea says

"Look, I got no qualms about it. Walkers in my backyard? Hm-mm." T-Dog says

"Agreed." I say

"I'm not saying that we shouldn't have taken care of the problem, but creating a panic?!" Dale all but yells

"There's no point in arguin' about it. It's done. There's nothin' we can do about it." Lori says

"Lori's right. No point in arguin'. What's done is done." I say

"Better get movin'." T-Dog says before he gets in the driver seat of the truck and Ace and I hop in the bed of the truck and sit on the tailgate while T-Dog starts the truck

I tap the side of the truck giving T-Dog the go-ahead before the truck starts moving and soon an arm falls off the truck

"Hey! Hey!" I yell over the engine as I tap the side of the truck

T-Dog stops the truck and I run over and grab the arm before hurrying back over and tossing it in the truck and hopping back on the tailgate

"Alright!" I shout before the truck starts moving again

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Hershel is missing, Beth is in some kind of shock, and my dad and Glenn left to go find Hershel. They should've been back by now

"Shaylee! Shaylee, mom's missing!" Carl yells as he runs towards the RV that I'm on top of keeping watch

"What do you mean missing?" I ask as I emphasize the word missing

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