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Shaylee's POV

"You found them like this?" My dad asks Tyreese as I stare at Karen and David's burnt bodies

"I came to see Karen...and I saw the blood on the floor. Then I smelled them." Tyreese replies

"Somebody dragged 'em out here and set 'em on fire! They killed 'em and set 'em on fire!" Tyreese yells before he steps to my dad and me causing Daryl to quickly position himself behind Tyreese

"You're a cop and you're a soldier. You find out who did this and you bring 'em to me. You understand? You bring 'em to me." Tyreese yells at us

"We'll find out who--" My dad starts as Daryl grabs Tyreese's arm but Tyreese pulls it out of his grasp

"I need to say it again?" Tyreese asks

"No. No. I know what you're feelin'. I've been there. You saw me there. It's dangerous." My dad says

"Karen didn't deserve this." Tyreese says

"You're right, she didn't." I say calmly

"David didn't deserve it. Nobody does!" Tyreese shouts

"Alright, man, let's--" Daryl starts as he attempts to pull Tyreese away

"Man, I ain't goin' nowhere till I find out who did this!" Tyreese yells as he pushes Daryl against the gate

Carol, my dad, and I rush over but Daryl puts his hand up to stop us signaling that he has it under control

"We're on the same side, man." Daryl tells Tyreese who is still holding him against the gate

"Hey, look, I know what you're goin' through. We've all lost someone. We know what you're goin' through right now, but you-- you gotta calm down." My dad says before Tyreese releases Daryl and charges at my dad

"You need to step the hell back!" Tyreese yells

"She wouldn't want you bein like this." My dad says before Tyreese punches him in the jaw causing him to fall to the ground

"Stop!" I yell

"Stop!" Carol yells as she hurries over to stop them but Tyreese punches my dad again before Daryl grabs ahold of Tyreese to stop him

"That's enough." Daryl says as my dad gets up off the ground before punching Tyreese causing Daryl to release him and Tyreese falls to the ground

"Dad!" I yell before he kicks Tyreese in the stomach before getting on top of him and punching him some more

"Rick." Daryl says as my dad draws back his fist once again he elbows me in the mouth knocking me to the ground

"Dad, stop!" I yell

"Stop." Daryl says as he grabs ahold of my dad

"Let go of me!" My dad yells as Daryl pulls him off of Tyreese

"No. No." Daryl says as Carol helps me up from the ground

"Let go of me!" My dad yells before he finally wiggles out of Daryl's grasp and I spit the blood from my mouth

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My dad split my lip open and now I'm waiting for Hershel to finish cleaning my dad's fist so that Hershel can stitch my lip up

"This is gonna be sprained at least a week." Hershel says as my dad winces in pain as I hold one of T-Dog's old t-shirts to my bleeding lip

"Good news, none of these cuts need stitches." Hershel tells my dad

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