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*1 Day Later*

Narrator's POV

"Whatta you want from me, girl, huh?!" Daryl shouts at Beth

"I want you to stop actin' like you don't give a crap about anything! Like nothin' we went through matters. Like none of the people we lost meant anything to you. It's bullshit!" Beth shouts at him

"Is that what you think?" Daryl asks her

"That's what I know." Beth says as tears fall from her eyes

"You don't know nothin'." Daryl tells her

"I know you look at me and you just see another dead girl. I'm not Michone. I'm not Carol. I'm not Maggie." She tells him

"And I'm not Shay--" She starts

"Don't." Daryl warns as he points his finger at the young blonde

"I survived and you don't get it cause I'm not like you or them. But I made it and you don't get to treat me like crap just because you're afraid." Beth says

"I ain't afraid of nothin'." Daryl seethes

"I remember. When that little girl came outta the barn after my mom. You were like me. And now God forbid you ever let anybody get too close. I mean, it only took you damn near two years to make a move on Shay and now that she's gone you don't shed a single tear?! And now you're mad cause you let her get too close." Beth seethes

"Too close, huh? You know all about that. You lost two boyfriends, you can't even shed a tear. Don't talk about me not cryin'!" Daryl shouts at her

"Your whole family's gone, all you can do is just go out lookin' for hooch like some dumb college bitch!" He yells at her

"Screw you. You don't get it." Beth spats

"No, you don't get it! Everyone we know is dead!" Daryl yells at her

"You don't know that!" Beth yells

"Might as well be, cause you ain't never gonna see 'em again!" He screams

"Rick. You ain't never gonna see Maggie again." Daryl seethes

"I ain't never gonna see Shay again!" He seethes

"Daryl, just stop." Beth says

"No!" Daryl seethes as he turns away from her

"The Governor rolled right up to our gates." Daryl says as tears form in his eyes

"Maybe if I woul-- wouldn't have stopped lookin'. Maybe cause I gave up. That's on me!" Daryl shouts

"Daryl." Beth says as she reaches for Daryl's hand

"No." Daryl says as he pulls his hand away

"And your dad. Maybe-- maybe I coulda done somethin'." Daryl says as a few tears fall from his eyes before Beth hugs him from behind

"Shay." He mutters as he begins to sob

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Glenn, Tara, Eugene, Abraham, and Rosita rush over to the sign that Maggie left a note for Glenn on before a walker stumbles out of the woods

"I need its blood." Glenn says

"Why?" Tara asks

"To write a note to my best friend." Glenn says as the walker stumbles closer to him

"Over here, Asswipe!" Glenn calls out to it before he sinks his knife into its skull

Glenn wipes the blood from the knife before writing a note to Shay on the other side of the note Maggie left that reads "S, go to Terminus" before he underlines Terminus and signs his name

"So we're looking for the wife and the best friend?" Rosita asks

"No. S is gonna find me. She always does." Glenn says

"S?" Abraham asks

"Shay. My best friend since the beginning of time." Glenn tells them

"I knew a Shay once." Rosita mutters

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-Shaylee's POV-

I cut a pillowcase to make a sling and I got a tree limb to use as a kind of crutch

Ace and I have been holed up in this house for about three days. I'm not sure that I'm healed enough to move on but I have to. I have to find the others

"Come on, boy." I say as I unlock the front door before opening it

"Let's find them." I mutter as I step out of the house with Ace following me

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I reach some railroad tracks and my eyes fall on a dead walker and a sign that reads "Glenn go to Terminus" and it's signed by Bob, Maggie, and Sasha

A big smile forms on my face as I step around to the other side of the sign, except this one reads "S go to Terminus" and this one is signed by Glenn

"I'm gonna hug him so hard." I say as Ace sniffs the air

"What is it? You smell somebody we know?" I ask

"Seek, Ace." I say before he leads the way towards Terminus and I limp after him

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Ace and I reach a tunnel and on the right side of it I see another message from Maggie to Glenn that reads "GLENN GO TO TERMINUS" and then it's signed by Maggie, Bob, and Sasha. I look to the other side of the tunnel and I see a message for me from Glenn that reads "SHAY GO TO TERMINUS SEARCHING 4 MAGGIE" and then it's signed by Glenn

"Well, in we go then, huh, Acey-Boy?" I ask before limping into the long, dark tunnel

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I shine my flashlight on each of the dead walker's faces but I don't see any familiar faces before I climb on top of the rubble and Ace follows me up

I shine my flashlight into the tunnel and I see a bunch of dead ones stacked up off to the side of the tracks

"Gotta love him for makin' my life much easier." I say with a soft smile

"Come on, boy." I say before we climb down from the rubble and I shine my flashlight down the tunnel before seeing another note this one reads "Rest up, Shay. End of tunnel is secure. Meet at Terminus soon" and then it's signed by Glenn, Maggie, Bob, and Sasha causing a big smile to form on my face

"Whoo!" I cheer before slapping my hand over my mouth and letting out a quiet laugh

"Let's rest for the night, Acey-boy." I say as I sit down on the ground before Ace licks my face

"See you soon, G." I mutter

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