Knots Untie

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Narrator's POV

Shaylee tosses and turns in the bed beside Daryl as sweat seeps from her pores. The nightmare coursing through her body

"Ro." She mutters in her sleep


"About six clicks out from home, Corporal

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"About six clicks out from home, Corporal." The pilot tells me

"Hang in there, Ro. We're almost home." I tell Rosita's unconscious body

"Base, this is foxhound. We're four clicks out with wounded. Prep the med tent." I say into my radio

"Copy, foxhoud." The radio booms in my ears

"Incoming!" Mercer shouts before I look over and see a missile headed straight at us

"Shit!" I shout as I shield Rosita's body with my own

I feel the helicopter spin around before I'm thrown against the side of the chopper causing me to hit my head and everything goes dark

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"Gah!" I groan as my eyes flutter open and gunfire fills my ears

"Mayday, mayday, mayday! We're pinned down and we're taking fire!" I shout into the radio

"We are about one-click North from our last reported position. Prepare for a nine-line!" I exclaim into the radio

"Mercer, wake up! We're under attack!" I exclaim as I shake him awake

"We need to get everyone behind those rocks." I tell him as he unbuckled

"Copy!" Mercer exclaims as I quickly climb out of the chopper and return fire

"Cover me. I'm gonna grab Ro first!" I shout over the gunfire before Mercer returns fire on the enemy

"Come on, Ro." I say as I grab the back of her jacket and pull her out of the chopper

I shoot at the enemy as I quickly drag Rosita behind the rocks before hurrying back over to the chopper

"Riggs is dead!" Mercer shouts over the gunfire as he exits the chopper with the pilot

"No man gets left behind, Mercer!" I shout over the gunfire

"Ah!" He yells out in pain as he falls to the ground

"Where ya hit?!" I shout

"Shoulder and leg." Mercer says before I muster up every ounce of my strength and I throw the pilot over my shoulder and I grab the back of Mercer's shirt

"Return fire, Mercer!" I shout as I begin dragging him toward the rocks

"Ah!" I yell out as a sharp pain pierces through my right shoulder

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