Killer Within

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Shaylee's POV

"That's a bit creepy, Mr. Douglas." I say groggily as my eyes flutter open and I see T staring at me

"Marry me." He says with a soft smile

"What?" I ask with a small laugh

"Marry me." He repeats

"Do you-- do you realize what kind of world we live in?" I ask him

"I do. And I wanna spend every last second with you as my wife. Not just my girlfriend." He says as he brushes my hair out of my face

"This world is horrible." I say

"I forgive the world because it has you, Shay." He says softly before I lean over and connect our lips in a sweet kiss

"I don't know where I'm gonna be five years from now, but I pray to god it's somewhere with a beautiful view and beside you." I say softly

"Is that a yes?" He asks with a soft smile

"Yes, T. Yes." I say with a big smile

"Whoo!" He cheers loudly making me giggle

"She rockin' your world in there, T?" Daryl teases from outside of our cell making me laugh harder before he rushes out of our cell

"She said she'd marry me!" He shouts causing his voice to echo off the cell block walls

"Welcome to the family." I hear my dad call from downstairs

"Guess that makes me the best friend in law, huh?" I hear Glenn ask before I climb out of the bed and rush over to the railing where I look down at the others

"I guess it does." I say with a small laugh before I see Lori and Beth help Hershel out of his cell as he uses his crutches for the first time

"Get down here and I'll marry you right now." Hershel says before I quickly put my boots on

"Come on, boy." T-Dog says as he slips on his shoes before he and Ace hurry down the stairs and soon my dad walks into my cell

"Mind if I walk ya down?" He asks

"Only if Lori joins you." I say with a soft smile before he nods his head and steps over to the railing

"Lori." He calls out before he nods his head towards me and soon Lori steps into my cell

"You walk our little girl down the aisle with me?" My dad asks her

"Is that what you want?" Lori asks me

"Yes, please." I say with a big smile before we all step out of my cell and over to the stairs

"If you change your mind I'll drive the getaway car." Glenn calls out making all of us laugh

"Sorry, I just always pictured saying that on your wedding day." He says before he begins to hum the wedding march and everyone else joins in

"Shall we?" My dad asks as he and Lori offer me their arms

"We shall." I say as I loop my arms in theirs and we walk down the stairs and Hershel clears his throat as we reach him

"Who gives this young lady away?" Hershel asks

"One of her mothers and I." My dad says

"I think both of my mothers would." I say with a warm smile

"I think you're right, Shaybelle." Lori says with a warm smile before I unloop my arms with hers and my dad's and T-Dog takes my hands in his

"We'll just cut to the good parts. Do you, Theodore Douglas, take the Shaylee Grimes to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and for good times and in bad?" Hershel asks

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