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Shaylee's POV

The gate slowly opens and Aaron helps Eric inside before a trash can rattles and we all draw our guns only to see a opossum that Daryl shoots with an arrow

"We brought dinner." Daryl says after picking the opossum up by its tail

"It's okay." Aaron says to the man that opened the gate

"Come on in, guys." He adds before we all follow him inside the gates and the gate slowly closes behind us

I look around and I see kids playing in the streets and I see a whole bunch of houses

"Before we take this any further, I need you all to turn over your weapons." The man that opened the gate says and my hand lands on my Glock that's  holstered on my hip

"This gun has only left my hip once in eight years, it sure as shit isn't leavin' it now." I say

"You  stay, you hand them over." He tells us

"We don't know if we wanna stay." My dad tells him

"It's— it's fine, Nicholas." Aaron says to the man I now know as Nicholas

"If we were gonna use 'em, we would've started already." My dad states

"Let them talk to Deanna first." Aaron says

"Who's Deanna?" Abraham asks

"She knows everything you'd wanna know about this place. Rick, why don't you start." Aaron says before my dad turns around to face us but  something outside the gate catches his eye

"Sasha." My dad says as we all turn around and see another walker before Sasha shoots it in the head

"It's a good thing we're here." My dad mutters as the second gate closes

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After my dad's chat with the woman in charge, Deanna. He decided we're staying

"They're still your guns. You can check them out whenever you go beyond the wall. But inside here, we store them for safety." Deanna says before I look over at my dad with a worried look

He nods to tell me it's okay before I walk over and set my rifle on the cart. I then pull my Glock from my hip holster and place it on the cart and then I pull my Beretta from my thigh holster and place it on the cart before bending down and pulling the small handgun out of my ankle holster and then setting it on the cart

"Shoulda brought another bin." A woman jokes before pulling the cart away

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"Both of 'em?" My dad asks as we stare at two beautiful two-story houses

"At your disposal. I'd call dibs on that one it's got more curb appeal." Aaron says as he nods toward the cream-colored house

"Listen, I know you're still feeling us out, but I'm glad you came. Anyway, Deanna has asked  everyone to give you your space so they are all coming at you at once. Take your time. Explore. You need anything, you call me. I don't— we don't have phones. I— I meant...I'm four houses down." Aaron says

"Thank you." Carl says

"Shaylee, Deanna has asked to speak to you next." Aaron says

"Saved the best for last, huh?" I ask with a small laugh

"You watch Ace?" I ask Carl who nods his head in response

"I'll walk with you if you'd like?" Aaron asks

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