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Shaylee's POV

-3 Weeks Later-

"I don't like this. I don't like it one bit." I tell Glenn as I put my hair in a bun

"I don't either, Shay." Glenn says

"It's always just me and you. And I just know shit's gonna hit the fan if we bring a whole fucking group." I say as I pull my hair gel from my bag

"That's great." I mutter as I notice it's almost empty

"What? What's wrong?" Glenn asks

"I'm almost outta gel. I've been doing my hair like this for six fucking years. I don't know how to do it any other way." I say as I smooth down my hair with the gel

"I bet we can find some on our run today. Now cheer up, Shay. We got this." Glenn says with a big smile

"Fine." I say as I grab my boots before stepping out of the tent and I see Andrea, T-Dog, Jacqui, and Morales waiting for my answer

"The hell are you standing around staring at me for? Get your packs ready." I say before they hurry away from us

"You could be nicer, ya know? You don't have to be Corporal Grimes all the time." Glenn says as I sit down beside the main campfire

"It's who I am. I'm Corporal Shaylee Grimes. I didn't get the chance to adjust to just being Shay again, Glenn. I was back from a warzone for less than six months. I was still struggling, still having flashbacks. It takes time." I tell him as I put my boots on

"Sorry." I mutter

"Hey, it's okay. I understand." He says with a soft smile

"Sorry if I kept you up last night." I say softly as I look over at him

"Are you okay? Looked like a pretty rough nightmare." Glenn says

"I'm fine. Just readjusting." I say

"Really, Glenn, I'm fine. Promise." I say before Carl walks over to us with Ace following behind him

"Just the little man I wanted to see." I say with a big smile

"Me?" Carl asks with a soft smile

"Yeah, you." I say

"Here's the thing I don't think there's gonna be any room in the truck to take Ace. Do you think you could keep an eye on him for me?" I ask

"Yeah!" He says excitedly

"You're gonna be safe, though, right?" Carl asks me

"Always, kiddo." I say before pecking his cheek and standing up

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"We doin' this the same as usual?" Glenn asks

"You can take the group on show and tell and I'm gonna go find some shit we could actually use." I say with a smirk as we stand in the department store

"You're're gonna separate from us?" T-Dog asks me

"Glenn and I always split up here." I tell him

"Is that safe?" Andrea asks

"Yeah, is it? I mean, I can go with you, if you want?" T-Dog asks

"I'm good. Thanks, though. Radio me if you run into trouble." I say as I clip my radio to my pants

"You do the same." Glenn says before I walk out of the back door of the department store and I step into the alley

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