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-6 Months Later-

Shaylee's POV

My dad, Daryl, Carl, T-Dog, and I burst into a house. My dad shoots a walker in the head with his Python that now has a silencer on it. Glenn and Maggie are checking outside for walkers

T-Dog takes the other walker out with a fire poker before we all spread out and check the house. T-Dog and me together, Carl and my dad together, and Daryl by himself

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T-Dog, Daryl, and I walk up the stairs before we each split off into a room on our own

I look around the room and see it's clear before I walk over to the nightstand and pull the drawer open and my eyes fall on a half-full box of condoms

"Well, they do say the lord works in mysterious ways." I say to myself as I shrug my shoulders before picking up the condoms and dropping them in my backpack

"So don't mind if I do." I whisper to myself as I spin around and my eyes fall on T-Dog leaning against the doorway smirking at me

"Were you talkin' to yourself?" He asks

"It's the starvation. I think it's goin' to my brain." I say with a playful smile as I walk over to him

"I think you have one or two MRE's left." He says as he grips my hips

"I'm savin' those." I say as I wrap my arms around his neck

"Oh, yeah? What for?" He asks

"I'm not sure. A special occasion maybe?" I suggest

"I think starvin' qualifies as a special occasion." He says earning a small laugh from me

"Fair enough. Care to share an MRE with yours truly?" I ask before pecking his lips

"I'd be honored." He says before we walk out of the room and my eyes fall on Daryl holding a dead owl

"Clear." He tells us

"Clear." T-Dog says

"Also, clear." I say as we all walk down the stairs and I see my dad, Carl, Glenn, and Maggie

My dad walks over to the open front doors and whistles for the others

"Gimme a hand?" I ask T-Dog as I motion towards one of the bodies

"Yes, ma'am." He says before we pick the body up and stack it on top of the other one as the others walk into the house with our stuff

"Here, Shay." Hershel says before he passes me my duffel bag

"Thanks." I say with a soft smile

"How bout that MRE?" I ask with a big smile as I grab T's hand and lead him into the living room

"Sounds delicious." He says as Ace runs over to us and I sit down on the floor

I unzip my backpack and pull out an MRE

"Looks like beef taco it is." I say

"What else is in there?" T-Dog asks

"Let's see Santa Fe style rice and beans, cheddar cheese spread, tortillas, nut and fruit mix with M&Ms, and a sugar-free orange beverage base." I tell him before I look over at Carl who just sat down with two cans of dog food before he slides one over to me

I quickly pull the can opener out of my backpack and open the can of dog food before dumping it out on the floor and Ace begins scarfing it down

I look up from Ace and I see everyone staring at Carl as he opens a can of dog food for himself before my dad walks over to him and takes the dog food from him and pours it on the floor with the rest of the dog food for Ace

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