30 Days Without An Accident

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Shaylee's POV

-6 Months Later-

So much has changed. We cleared the yard of walkers, started planting fruits and vegetables out there, we got some pigs and a horse, Beth has gotten really close with this guy Zack, we have running water, we have a council which I am a member of, and we bring in other survivors as well. We haven't seen the Governor since his last attack, six months ago. I've started painting what I've been calling the wall of survivors. With every new survivor that joins us I paint their face on the wall

"Morning Daryl." Dr. S says

"What's up, Dr. S?" Daryl says as he walks over to Carol and I

"Hey, Daryl." A woman from the Macon Group says

"Mornin', Daryl." A man from the Roswell group says as Daryl reaches us

"Smells good." Daryl says as he takes a bowl of food

"Just so you know, I liked you first." I tease

"Stop." Daryl says with a small smile before tossing a piece of meat into his mouth

"You know, Rick brought in a lot of them, too." Daryl says

"Not recently." I say

"Give the stranger sanctuary, Keeping people fed, you're going to learn to live with the love." Carol adds

"Right." Daryl says

"I need you two to see something. Patrick, you wanna take over." Carol says

"Yes, ma'am." Patrick replies

"Uh, Mr. Dixon, I just wanted to thank you for bringing that deer back yesterday. It was a real treat, sir. And I'd be honored to shake you hand." Patrick says before extending his hand out to Daryl

"Wasn't all me." Daryl says as he looks over at me

"I already thanked, Ms. Grimes." Patrick says with his hand still extended to Daryl before Daryl licks his fingers and then shakes the boy's hand

Carol walks away and Daryl and I follow her

"About today, I don't know if we're gonna be able to spare a lot of people for the run." Carol says as we walk

"That place is good to go. We're gonna move on it." Daryl says as we approach the gate to the yard

"Yeah. The thing is we had a pretty big buildup overnight." Carol says as we look at all the walkers outside of the fence

"Damn." I whisper

"Dozens more towards tower three. It's getting as bad as last month. They don't spread out anymore." Carol says

"The more of us sitting here, we're drawing more of them out. You get enough of those damn fence-clingers, they start to herd up." Daryl says

"Pushing against the fences again. It's manageable, but unless we get ahead of it, not for long. Sorry." Carol says before we walk away

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I walk over to Daryl who's loading the truck up for our run before I toss my backpack in the bed of the truck as Zack walks over to us and tosses his backpack in the bed of the truck as well

"Hey." Zack says to Beth who is walking towards us

"I was just gonna come find you." He adds before they start to kiss

"What's up?" Beth asks as I try to mind my own business

"Well, the council pulled back everyone on the coal crew from going on the run. They're shorthanded right now. I figured I'd step up to help, go with 'em. Just, ya know, wanted to make sure that I saw you before." Zack says to Beth

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