The Next World

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-1 Month Later-

Shaylee's POV

I brush my teeth in Daryl and I's bathroom before I see Daryl in the mirror, standing in the doorway in only his boxers

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I brush my teeth in Daryl and I's bathroom before I see Daryl in the mirror, standing in the doorway in only his boxers

"Good mornin'." I smile as I rinse my toothbrush off

"Mornin'." He says with a small smile as he steps over to me before he wraps his arms around my waist and I drop my toothbrush in the cup on the sink next to Daryl's toothbrush

"Is this marital bliss?" I ask softly as he trails kisses down my neck

"Mm. Sure feels blissful." He mutters against my neck as he pushes his shirt up that I'm wearing revealing my black panties before he presses his clothed morning wood against my butt

He looks at me in the mirror, silently asking for permission

"Please." I mutter as my core burns and I nod my head

"What was that, Mrs. Dixon?" Daryl asks teasingly

"Please, Dare." I mutter as I press my butt into him before he grips the waistband of my panties and pulls them down my legs before I step out of them

"C'mere." He mutters as he grips my hips and spins me around before he lifts me up onto the counter

He craddles my right cheek in his left hand before he slides his index finger between my wet folds

"All this for me?" He asks with a smirk

"Mm. Always for you. Only you." I quietly moan out as he gathers up my slick on his finger before he brings it up to his mouth where he sucks my juices from his finger

I grab his hand and pull it from his mouth before I guide it back to my aching center

"Such a pretty girl." He says as he slips a finger inside of me

"Oh. Dare." I moan out as he pumps his pointer finger in and out of me

"More." I moan out before he slips a second and then a third into me

"Ooh!" I moan out loudly before he quickly covers my mouth with his hand

"That enough for ya, ya spoiled girl?" He asks with a smirk as the knot in my stomach begins to unravel

"My spoiled girl." He corrects himself as he continues his violent pace with his fingers and I nod my head in response as I moan against his hand

My legs begin to tremble as he continues his assault on my g-spot before euphoria washes over me

"Shit." Daryl mutters as he removes his hand from my mouth

I look down and see him covered in my juices

"Did I just...?" I ask trailing off as he pulls his fingers out of me

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