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Shaylee's POV

"Dumpster. G, get under the dumpster before they start on us." I say

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right. C'mon." Glenn says before we scoot under the dumpster

"Get in close, Shay." Glenn says as he wraps his arms around me and practically pulls me on top of him before he stabs the few walkers that reach after us

"How many times you gonna hit your head?" Glenn asks as he shows me his hand that has the blood from the back of my head

"I cushioned his and your fall. Whatta ya expect?" I ask with a weak smirk as my eyelids grow heavy

"Fair enough." He says with a weak chuckle

"I'm tired...so tired, G." I mutter as I snuggle into his chest and he pets my hair

"We're stuck anyway. Might as we catch on some sleep." He whispers

"I'll protect you." He whispers to me before I drift off to sleep

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"Come on, S." Glenn says before he pulls himself out from under the dumpster and I follow after him

He grabs an empty water bottle and shakes the remaining droplets into his mouth

"G...it's...it's empty. Don't bother." I mutter weakly

"Guh!" He exclaims as he throws the empty bottle before he picks up the broken flare gun

"Damn." I mutter as he drops it and we stand up before he finds his pistol and I find my Glock

"Found your pack." I say as I swing his backpack onto my back

"There should still be some ammo in it." I tell him

"Hey, heads up!" I fear a familiar voice call out before a bottle of water hits the ground in front of me and I look up at the roof where I see Enid standing

"Shit. I said heads up." Enid says before she runs off and I grab my rifle from the ground

"Enid?" Glenn asks

"Enid!" I call out as I hurry over to a pallet under an open window

"En?" I call out as I climb through the window and Glenn climbs in after me

"Enid!" Glenn calls out

"En, what're you doing out here?" I ask

"There's another water bottle in the corner. Take it and go." Enid calls out and Glenn I hurry toward the corner

"You first." Glenn says as he grabs the bottle and hands it to me

I quickly open it before taking a big gulp

"Your turn." I say as I pass him the bottle before I notice the empty cans of food

"You're not gonna answer me?" I ask

"No." She calls back

"What happened in Alexandria, En?" I ask as Glenn puts the water bottle in his backpack

"We heard that sound. The gunfire." Glenn says as we keep looking around for Enid

"Enid!" I call out

"What happened is what always happens. People died." Enid calls out before I realize she's upstairs

"The herd broke through the walls?" Glenn asks

"What herd?" Enid asks

"The walkers. They broke out of the quarry early." Glenn says

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