No Sanctuary

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Shaylee's POV

Ace and I have been on the move since this morning. I heard some gunfire coming from Terminus a little while ago so I decided it was best to go in through the woods

I limp over to the fence before I see Bob, my dad, Daryl, and Glenn pulled from a train car before I lose my balance and fall into the fence

"Gah!" I groan in pain before I see a herd of walkers headed straight for Terminus and a big smile forms on my face before I pull my rifle off my shoulder and aim it at a large propane tank inside the fence surrounding Terminus

"Start prayin', Acey." I mutter before shooting the propane take

I reach into my duffel bag and pull out one of the bottle rockets I scavenged before sticking it in my rifle

I aim for the propane tank again before fire causing a loud explosion to fill my ears

I hear a twig snap from behind me causing me to spin around and I see a walker shuffling towards me

I sling my rifle back around on my shoulder before pulling my bow from my shoulder and pulling an arrow from my quiver

I send the arrow through the walker's skull before slinging my bow back over my shoulder and pulling my knife from its holster

I pull a blanket and an old t-shirt from my duffel bag

I cut a hole in the blanket before sticking my head through the hole

"Here, Ace." I say before putting the shirt on him

"Now for the gross part." I mutter before stabbing the walker in the gut and slicing its abdomen open

I slip my knife back in its holster before slathering Ace and myself in its guts

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Ace and I blend in with the herd as we enter Terminus

I pear down the scope of my rifle and take out the guy on the roof before slipping into a building

I turn around and my eyes fall on Carol covered in walker guts

"Carol?" I ask with a big smile

"Shay?" She asks before hurrying over and engulfing me in a tight hug

"That was you? The explosion?" She asks

"It was, yeah." I tell her

"Okay, we split up take out as many of these people as we can." I tell her

"Okay, there's a cabin about a mile north of here. Follow the road outta here it'll lead you right to it. That's where we'll meet." She says

"Got it." I say before giving her one last quick hug and Ace and I part ways from her

I walk into a room filled with weapons, watches, toys, clothes, and other things before my eyes fall on Daryl's crossbow

I hurry over and sling it over my shoulder before running out of the building with Ace following me

"Time to get the hell outta here." I mutter as we blend back in with the crowd

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My leg wobbles before my tree branch snaps in half causing me to fall to my knees before Ace begins barking

"Ace...Ace, shh." I mutter, weakly

"Ace, stop." I say before he takes off running up the hill

"Ace!" I call out as I slowly get up from the ground

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