Pretty Much Dead Already

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Shaylee's POV

"Here, Acey-boy." I say as I set my plate on the ground and Ace scarfs down the rest of my eggs

"Can I ask you something?" T-Dog whispers in my ear

"What?" I ask with a warm smile as I look over at him

"You're my girl, right?" He asks quietly causing a big smile to form on my face before I lean forward and connect our lips in a sweet kiss

"Is that a yes?" He asks as I pull away and press my forehead to his

"Yes." I say softly before he pecks my lips

"I love you." He whispers as his lips brush against mine

"I'm in love with you, Shay." He whispers as he looks into my eyes

"I love you, too, T. So much." I whisper before he connects our lips in another sweet kiss

"Ace." Daryl calls out before he lets out a whistle and Ace runs over to him

Daryl holds his plate out to Ace before he scarfs down the rest of Daryl's eggs

"Can I give him the rest of mine?" Carl asks from beside Lori

"Only if you're full." I tell him

"I am." Carl says

"Go ahead, then." Lori tells him

"Here, Ace." Carl says before Ace walks over to him and scarfs down the rest of the eggs on his plate

"Baby daddy." I say with a small laugh as Glenn gets up from his seat beside me

"Baby mama." Glenn says with a nervous smile

"It's not that funny." Lori says with a small smile

"It's a little funny." I tell her

"It kinda is." Shane says with a smirk

"See even the real baby daddy thinks so." I say with a small laugh

"What?" Dale asks

"Glad we can joke about this." My dad says sarcastically

"You just gotta have a sense of humor, dad." I say

"Hey, I have a sense of humor." My dad says as he throws some egg at me

"Hey!" I exclaim as I let out a small giggle

"Um, guys." Glenn says as he stands beside me awkwardly

"You gonna tell us you really are her baby daddy?" Daryl teases

"Gross!" I exclaim with a big smile

"Thanks for that, S." Glenn says

"Sorry, G." I say with a small laugh

"Anyways, you were saying something?" I ask him

"Yeah. Yeah, I was. So...the barns full of walkers." Glenn says

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Shane peers through the crack between the barn doors before he lets out a huff as he turns away from the barn

"You cannot tell me you're alright with this." Shane says as he walks over to my dad

"No I'm not, but we're guests here. This isn't our land." My dad says

"For god's sake. This is our lives, man!" Shane says loudly

"Lower your voice." Glenn whisper yells

"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea says

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