Welcome To The Tombs

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Shaylee's POV

We're anticipating the Governor and his people to come to the prison today after what Merle did yesterday. So everyone is packing up their things just in case things go south and my dad is sending Carl, Beth, Hershel, and Judy out into the woods with the green car in case things go bad in here.

I walk down the stairs with my bags in hand before I look over and see Carl sitting on his bed

I step into his cell before I see him holding the last picture we took before I went off to basic training

I kneel down in front of him and he locks eyes with me

"She was beyond proud of you, Carl." I say softly before I reach into my duffel bag and pull out a picture of Carl, Lori, and myself when Carl was two

"I thought-- I want you to have this." I say with a small smile as I hand him the picture

"To remind you that-- that I didn't always hate her before all this. It-- it took me a long time to, for one figure out she wasn't trying to replace my mom. And for two it took me a long time for me to forgive her for things that happened before you were born. And I absolutely hate that it took me so long to do those things. She-- she...when I was little-- I mean before my mom died...I used to tell people I-- I had two moms. One amazing mom and a bonus mom." I say with a small laugh before we stand up

"I did love her. And I-- I'm sorry you didn't getta see a lot of it...but I did love her." I say as the tears stream down my face

"I know ya did." Carl says softly before wrapping his arms around my waist

"I know you're mad that dad doesn't want you in here while we fight for this place but he's just tryin' to keep you safe and take it from someone who was angry at two of my parents for years. You don't wanna be angry forever." I say as I wipe my tears away with one hand and the other rubs Carl's back

"Can you take Ace with you?" I ask as he releases me and Ace appears beside us

"Of course." Carl says as he grabs his duffel bag

"Come on, boy." Carl says as he walks out of the cell with Ace following after him

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I've heard several explosions and gunshots as I wait in the tombs with Daryl for the Governor and his army

I hear them in the hallway before I throw a flashbang. The prison alarm and the emergency lights turn on signaling Carol turned on the generators

"Hold your ground!" I hear the Governor yell as everyone screams before Daryl throws another flashbang

They all start screaming and yelling before running out out of the prison where Glenn and Maggie are waiting on them

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"We did it. We drove 'em out." My dad says as we stand in the courtyard

"We should go after them." Michonne says

"We should finish it." Daryl says from beside me

"It is finished. Didn't you see them hightail it outta here?" Maggie says

"They could regroup." Michonne states

"We can't take the chance." I add

"He's not gonna stop." Glenn says

"They're right. We can't keep livin' like this." Carol says

"So we take the fight back to Woodbury. We barely made it back last time." Maggie says

"I don't care." Daryl says

"Let's check on the others." My dad says before we jog back into the prison

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"Hey." My dad says as he pecks Judith's forehead as Beth holds her

"Hey, boy." I say with a big smile as Ace runs over to greet me

"Dad, I'm coming to Woodbury." Carl says as my dad hugs him

"Carl." My dad says as he gets up off the floor and I take Judith from Beth

"Dad, I did my job out there. Just like all of you. Took out one of the Governor's soldiers." Carl says as I place the bottle back in Judith's mouth

"Got our bags." Daryl says as he walks towards the cellblock and I follow after him

"Ace." I call out as I walk up the stairs and I soon hear his fast paws follow me up the stairs

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"Rick, we're staying. We don't know where the Governor is. If he comes back we'll hold him off." Glenn says as he speaks for him and Maggie

"I'm gonna hang back, too. Help hold the fort down." I say

"Just the three of us?" Daryl asks

"Alright." Daryl adds

"I appreciate you staying." My dad says to Maggie, Glenn, and I

"Sure." Maggie says as he pulls me in for a quick hug before he gets in the silver truck

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I pace in the courtyard as I await the return of my dad, Daryl, and Michonne before I finally hear a motorcycle approaching

I hurry over to the gate where I see Daryl on his motorcycle, the others in the silver truck, and a blue bus driving towards the courtyard

Glenn hurries over and helps me open the gate for them before they drive through and Maggie hurries over to help Glenn with the gate as I hurry over to Daryl

He engulfs me in a hug and my feet leave the ground for a brief second

"Are you okay?" I ask as I pull away just a small amount

"I'm fine. The people from Woodbury are with us now." Daryl says causing a smile to form on my face

"I'm gonna go say hi to Andrea. Maybe finally apologize for choking her that one time." I say with a small laugh before pulling away from him causing his hand to grip my wrist and he pulls me back to him

"Shay..." He says trailing off

"No." I whisper softly before he pulls me close to him

"We..." He says trailing off as he releases me

"We brought her here to be buried with the others." He says as he motions towards a covered body in the bed of the truck

"That's good." I say softly

"She'd want that. She deserves it. I mean, she was one of us." I add

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