The Same Boat

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Shaylee's POV

"Walker." Maggie says as a walker stumbles toward us

"I got it." I say before sending a bolt into it's head

"You and him are meant to be." Maggie mutters with a small giggle as I pull my arrow from the walker's head

"What was that, Mrs. Rhee?" I ask with a smirk as I notch the arrow in my bow

"You and that husband of yours are so meant to be." She smiles before I see a man step out of the trees behind Maggie and quickly aim my arrow at him

I release my arrow and it pierces his left arm as Maggie pulls her gun out and spins around

"Grab my arrow while you're at it." I tell her as she steps over to the groaning man

She aims her gun at his head before I hear a gun cock as it presses to my head

"Stop! Or she's dead!" A woman exclaims as another woman steps out of the trees and holds a gun on Maggie

"Guns, knives on the ground right now." The woman with the gun to my head tells Maggie and Maggie slowly does as she's told as an older woman steps out of the trees and aims her gun at Maggie

"Nice jacket." The older woman tells Maggie

"For a murderous bitch." The other woman says

"Well, we'll take it off her before we shoot her." The woman with the gun to my head says as I drop my weapons on the ground

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"It ain't on there right, I can feel it. It ain't stopping." The man groans as I see the sun begin to rise and the rain splatters down on us

"I'm getting it tighter. Jesus, gimme a second." The older woman grumbles

"Son of a bitch, you're cutting off my circulation." The man whines

"Well, sport, it's supposed to." The older woman tells him

"What a pussy." I mumble

"What was that?" The brunette woman asks as she presses her gun into the back of my head

"I think ya heard me just fine." I seethe

"S." Maggie whispers

"No. I'm not gonna beg this bitch for my life. I ain't a begger." I say

"I  always wondered which would get you killed faster. Your loyalty or your stubbornness." Maggie says

"Don't forget the sarcasm." I say with a smirk before distant gunfire fills my ears

"Hell was that?" The brunette woman asks as the redhead peers down the binoculars

"It's Primo." The redhead says

"Damn it, they've got him. Gimme the walkie." The redhead says

"Babe, what's happening?" The man asks as he hands her the walkie

"Lower your gun, prick. You, with the Colt Python." The redhead says and I know she's talking to my father

"All of you, lower your weapons right now." She adds

"Come on out. Let's talk." I hear my dad's voice boom through the walkie

"How many we got?' The older woman asks

"Nine in sight. Too many." The redhead says

"No, we can take 'em. We took more." The man tells her

"We're not coming out, but we will talk." The redhead says into the radio

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