This Sorrowful Life

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Shaylee's POV

Michonne and I take out a couple of walkers while Glenn and Daryl put down some barbed wire attached to a board in case they try to drive into our yard again

"Come on! Come on!" Daryl says to Michonne and me before I hop in the bed of the truck with Glenn and Daryl and Michonne gets in the passenger side of the truck

My dad opens the gate and Beth drives the truck through before my dad closes the gate and we all get out of the truck

"They try to drive up to the gate again, maybe some blown tires'll stop 'em." Glenn says as we walk over to Rick

"That's a good idea." Rick says

"It was Michonne's." Daryl tells him

"We don't have to win. We just have to make their getting at us more trouble than it's worth." Michonne says as Maggie and Carl walk over to us

"Question, though, S." Glenn says

"What, G?" I ask

"Your brought back all your favorite band tees and you're still in your uniform." He says

"Was there a question in there?" I ask him

"Yeah. Why, Shay?" He asks

"I wanna know the answer, too." Daryl butts in

"All I know is the army. It was beaten into me that this is my identity. I haven't worn a band t-shirt since I went to basic. Truth is I don't know who I am outside of this uniform." I admit

"That's nonsense. You are Shaylee Ann Grimes. Best friend of Glenn Rhee--" Glenn starts

"And Daryl Dixon." Daryl butts in earning a small laugh from me

"And Daryl Dixon." Glenn adds

"The daughter of Rick, Lori, and Anna Grimes. Big sister to Carl and Judith Grimes." My dad butts in

"And Beth Greene." Beth butts in

"Little sister to Maggie Greene." Maggie butts in

"Okay, okay. I get it. I'll go put a damn band tee and jeans on." I say as I put my hands up in surrender before backing away from them

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I step out of the cellblock and everyone turns their attention to me as the crisp air hits my skin

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I step out of the cellblock and everyone turns their attention to me as the crisp air hits my skin

"Ta-dah." I say as I do a spin and everyone cheers

"Shut it." I say with a small laugh before quickly pulling my jacket on as Daryl whistles

"Watch it, Dixon." I warn as I point my finger at him causing him to raise his hands in surrender

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All of us except Daryl, Michonne, and Merle gather in the courtyard

"When I met with the Governor, he offered me a deal. He said-- he said he would leave us alone if I gave him Michonne. And I was gonna do keep us safe." My dad says and we all stay silent

"I changed my mind. But now Merle took Michonne to fulfill the deal and Daryl went to stop him and I don't know if it's too late." He says

"I was wrong not to tell you. And I'm sorry." He says as he looks around at all of our faces

"What I said last year, that first night after the can't be like that. It can't. What we do, what we're willing to do, who we are, it's not my call. It can't be. I couldn't sacrifice one of us for the greater good because-- because we are the greater good. We're the reason we're still here, not me. This is life and death. How you you die-- it isn't up to me. I'm not your Governor. We choose to go. We choose to stay. We stick together. We vote. We can stay and we can fight or we can go." My dad says before walking away

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I pace in the common area before the door to the cell block opens revealing Michonne causing me to stop and look at her

"Merle let me go and went to kill the Governor. Daryl went to stop him. He said not to let anyone come after him." Michonne says before I begin pacing again

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Daryl walks into my cell with a tear-stained face and I instantly know what's wrong

I get up off the bed and wrap my arms around his neck

"He's dead." Daryl says as he sobs into my shoulder and all I can do is hold onto him and let him cry

"I'm so sorry." I say as I hug him and he sobs into the crook of my neck

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"Thanks, Shay." Daryl says as he wipes the remainder of his tears away

"Hey, don't thank me. That's what best friends are for." I say

"Oh, and hey, I've got a very important question." I say

"What is it?" He asks

"You see I'm used to always having a roommate, ya know, the whole solider thing." I say

"Continue." Daryl says with a small smile

"Well, it gets a little lonely in here so I was wonderin' if you wanted to be roomies?" I ask earning a big smile from Daryl

"I mean, Ace is a pretty heavy snorer but I'm a pretty clean roomie." I say before quickly kicking my duffel bag under the bed earning a chuckle from Daryl

"I'd love to be roomies, Shay. On one condition." He says

"Name it." I say before he hops up on the top bunk

"I get top bunk." He says with a playful smirk

"Deal." I say as I extend my hand to him

"Deal, roomie." He says as he shakes my hand

"Hey, Shay. You got a minute?" Glenn asks as he appears at the doorway of my cell

"I'll give you two a minute, roomie." Daryl says as he hops off the bed and walks out of the cell

"Roomie?" Glenn asks

"He's my new roomie." I say

"Anyways, what's up?" I ask

"I asked Maggie to be my wife...and she said yes." Glenn says

"Eeek!" I shriek in excitement as I engulf him in a tight hug

"When we win this war, which we will, we are celebrating." I tell him

"I'm so happy for you. And I'm super happy that you didn't profess your love for me." I say with a small laugh

"You just couldn't help yourself, could ya?" He asks

"Nope." I say with a small giggle

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