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Narrator's POV

"I tried, Rick. I really tried." Glenn says with tear filled eyes as he and Rosita sit outside of the infirmary and Rick towers above them

"I know." Rick says softly before walking away from them

"Tell me again." Rosita mutters

"Rosita--" Glenn starts

"I wanna hear, too." Maggie says softly as she steps out of the infirmary

"No change?" Glenn asks her and she shakes her head in response

"Eugene-- Eugene and Tara found the parts we needed and then we heard...silenced gunshots." Glenn tells them

"Noah, Shay, and me saw Aiden shooting a walker in armor in the aisle next to ours. Shay told him-- Shay told him to let...let it come to him because it was wearing armor. He said-- Aiden said he had it. So Shay...Shay pulled her knife out and headed to the end of our aisle and we followed her. When we--wh--when we got to the end of the aisle Shay...Shay and I saw it was wearin' a grenade. She...she shouted. She yelled at him to stop but he didn't. He just...he just kept shooting and then-- then...boom." Glenn explains

"Then-- then what happened?" Rosita asks with tearfilled eyes

"I was-- I was under some boxes. I...I pushed 'em off and saw Shay...She was-- she was, uh, unconscious and-- and she was bleeding from--" Glenn starts but he's cut off by a quiet sob escaping his lips and Maggie steps over and grips his shoulder sympathetically

"She was bleeding...from...from, uh, her head, and uh, her...uh, chest, and her leg. Her...her ches-- her chest looked worse I hurried over to her and I held pressure on her chest. I woke...I shook-- I shook her awake and she came too and then-- and then I...I called out for Noah and he...he was okay...he ran over...he-- he saw her leg was...was bleeding and he-- he held pressure on her leg. The blast...the blast freed the walkers and they were outta the cage." Glenn explains as tears fall from his eyes

"Eugene called out...Shay...Sha--- Shay being Shay said she could walk. So we...uh, we helped her up and we...we followed Eugene's voice and we...uh, that's-- that's when we...we saw Tara. She...She was unconscious and bleeding from her head...a lot. Then Shay passed out. Nicholas...He-- he said he checked Aiden. He said he was dead so we...we fought our way into the office. That's when we...we heard Aiden. He was...he was still alive. Eugene...Eugene said-- he said he'd protect them. He said protect Shay and Tara because he knew they'd try and save him. So...So Nicholas, Noah, and me went to save him. Nicholas ran away like the coward he is. We couldn't save Aiden. There was...there was-- there was to many. So Noah and I bailed. We went back to the office but only Shay was inside. We...Noah and me assumed Eugene took Tara and went to get the van. So I...I grabbed Shay and we ran after Nicholas. He was going for the front and we already said we couldn't go out that way. There was-- there was to many. I told him...I told him not to but he went out anyways. Then the walkers were coming from...two different directions. I told...I told that I-- that I couldn't shoot and hold and Shay and that I wasn't gonna leave her. I told him couldn't. He said we weren't. He handed me her Glock and told me to do what I can. We shot 'em till we were empty and then ran into the revolving door and I guess Nicholas had the same idea." Glenn explains

"And then what?" Maggie asks softly

"Shay came to. She...she was teasin' me about bein' a savior." Glenn says with a small laugh as he wipes his tears

"She told me...she said it was okay...She said that it didn't hurt anymore." Glenn says as more tears fall from his eyes

"She...told me-- she said...she said to tell him she loved him and then...she stopped breathing. She meant Daryl. She wanted me to Daryl that she loved him." Glenn says with a sniffle as he wipes his tears away

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