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Shaylee's POV

My dad, Michonne, Carl, Ace, and I just arrived in King County

Carl, my dad, and Michonne climb out of the green car and I climb out of my jeep before we all look around. I wish I could say it felt good to be back here but it's so run down it just doesn't feel like home anymore. Truth be told it hadn't felt like home for a long time. Even before the world went to shit

We all walk into the Sheriff's station with our weapons ready before we make our way back to the armory only to find it's empty. Everything is gone from the armory

"Damn it!" My dad mutters before kicking the wall

"You got any other police stations in town?" Michonne asks as she picks up a single bullet off the ground

"I was the police here. Me and a few other guys." My dad says

"Ain't a big town." I add

"There's other places to check. May not have as many guns as were in here, but--" My dad starts

"We need as many were in here." Michonne says interrupting him

"Ammo, too." She adds

"Yeah, we do. But right now, I only got a line on a couple. There's a few places out on the main  street-- bars, a liquor store. Owners had a gun or two behind the counter that people didn't know about. I did. I signed the permits. They might still be there." My dad says

"Mom had a Glock in one of the floorboards in the apartment above the grocery store." I state

"Do you have a problem with that approach?" My dad asks Michonne

"No, Rick. I don't have a problem." Michonne says before handing the bullet to my dad

"Come on, Ace." I say before following Michonne out of the gun cage

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"What is it?" Michonne asks as our eyes fall on a bunch of what I'm assuming are walker traps to keep walkers off the street they're blocking

"I don't know." My dad replies as we walk closer

Written on the crosswalk is 'TURN AROUND AND LIVE'

"It looks like someone's already made this theirs." Michonne says

"Doesn't mean they found what we're looking for." My dad says as we duck under a rope

"Couple of the places are just up ahead. Let's get in and get the hell outta here." My dad says before we all duck under some barbed wire

"We'll head to the grocery store after." My dad says

"There." He adds as he points to Tyrell's bar

"Tyrell's. A shotgun and two handguns. License issued to Tyrell Debbs." My dad says as I try to picture Tyrell with a gun

Growls pull me from my thoughts as I see a walker

"Wait." My dad says to Michonne who is going to kill it

"She'll get caught." He adds before she gets stuck on the barbed wire shortly before she's shot in the head

"Hands!" A man on the roof yells before we all put our hands in the air

"Now you drop what you  got and you go. Your guns, your shoes, and that sword. The dog too. All of it. Ten seconds." The man shouts from the roof

"Run for the car now." My dad whispers to Carl and I

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