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Shaylee's POV

"What the hell is that?" I ask as a loud horn in the distance fills our ears

"We're losin' the back half." I tell Daryl

"Shit." Daryl mutters

"Dad." I say into the radio

"I'm here." My dad's voice booms over the radio

"What's going on back there?" I ask

"Half of them broke off. They're going toward Alexandria." My dad says

"Towards you?" Abraham's voice booms over the radio

"We ran ahead. There's a horn or something. Loud, coming from the east. It's not stopping." My dad says before Daryl takes the radio from me

"I'm gonna gas it up, turn back." Daryl says into the radio

"No. Let Shay off in the woods we may need her help. You stay with the herd and keep going." My dad says

"They're gonna need all of our help." Daryl says into the radio

"Gotta keep the herd movin'." My dad says

"Not if it's going down, we don't." Daryl says into the radio

"The rest of that herd turns around, the bad back there gets worse." My dad says and Daryl falls silent

"Daryl?" My dad asks

"Yeah, I heard ya." Daryl says

"Okay. Imma book it into the woods and double back." I tell Daryl

"Be safe. I mean it, Shay. I didn't even want you out here today." He says

"I'll be fine." I say before pecking his cheek and jumping off the bike and running into the woods

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"Just me." I say as everyone points their weapons at me

"Just gettin' my steps in today." I say with a soft laugh

"Herd's catchin' up we gotta move." I tell them as Glenn swings Annie's arm over his shoulders

"I'll help." I say as I rush to her other side before swinging her other arm over my shoulders

"We gotchu, Annie." I tell Annie

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"Alright, listen up. Here's the new plan. I go back, get the RV, circle around the woods on Redding. I'll get in front of them before they get there. I can lead them away again." My dad tells us

"RV's a mile back. I can go with you." David says

"I'll handle it. Just get home. They might need you there." My dad tells us

"Glenn, Shay, Michonne." He says as he nods for us to follow him and we do

"If something's in front of you, you kill it. No hiding, no waiting. You keep goin'." My dad tells us as we step away from the others

"I'm goin' with you. You can't do this on your own." Glenn tells my dad

"Glenn, I can do this." My dad tells him

"You need to help Shay and me. We've got to get these people back." Michonne whispers

"Yeah. Thing is, they aren't all gonna make it." My dad tells us

"Rick." Michonne says

"You try to save 'em, you try, but they can't keep up, you keep goin'. You have to. You make sure you get back." My dad tells us before we hear a man scream and we hear a walker closing in on us we all hurry toward the screaming before we see one of ours being attacked

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