No Way Out

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Shaylee's POV

"The walkers are flooding into the East wall. That means that the west wall will be the first to clear up. That's-- that's how we get in." Glenn says before I notice Enid staring at the ground

"Hey. Hey." I say causing her to look up at me

"Just because the tower's down doesn't mean that-- Listen, En, people are still alive in there." I tell her

"We're still here. Our friends are in there, people who care about you. My pregnant wife." Glenn says

"G!" I say excitedly before I throw my arms around his neck and pull him into my embrace

"Congratulations." I say with a big smile as he wraps his arms around my torso

"Thanks, S." He says as I release him

"Look, you just want to run away, be afraid, forget about this? Then you go. But that's how you lose people. Even after they're gone." Glenn tells her

"He's right, En. I know better than anyone how true that is." I tell her

"There are people in there that care about you, En." Glenn tells her

"Like Carl." I say with a teasing smile

"Shut up, Shay." Enid says as her cheeks glow red

"C'mon. We all got jobs to do." I tell her as I sling my arm over her shoulders

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Enid, Glenn, and I book it into the chapel before Glenn closes and locks the doors behind us

"Maybe when they searched this place, they missed something." Glenn says

"That depends if it was Aiden or Heath's group who went through it." I say as we begin looking through the church

"Look in the Bibles, too. Could've hollowed out the pages." Glenn tells us

"Right. Right." I mutter before I flip through a bible

"Are you serious?" Enid asks as she flips through a few bibles

"We have two bullets and Shay has a few arrows. People holed up in here-- people hide guns, ammo. Maybe somethin' to start a fire." Glenn says

"It's getting dark out soon. Maybe we can distract them. We need sheets, ropes, towels-- anything Maggie can use to climb down the other side." Glenn says as I look out the window and I see Maggie still stuck on the guard tower

"Enid." Glenn calls out before I spin around and I see her staring at the bible quote on the wall

"When I wanted to said, "That's how you lose people...even after they're gone." What the hell does that mean?" Enid asks

"People you love...they made you who you are. They're still part of you. If you stop being you, that last bit of them that's still around inside, who you's gone." Glenn tells her

"Who are those people to you?" Enid asks Glenn as she turns around to face him

"The woman who basically raised me. My godson." Glenn says as he looks over at me

"A man named Dale. Maggie's father, Hershel. A woman named Andrea. A man named Tyreese." Glenn says as he walks over to Enid

"You?" Enid asks as he looks over at me

" son, A man I served overseas with named Charlie Mercer, my late fiancé, Nathan Barnes. Dale Horvath, Theodore Douglas, my second mother, Lori Grimes. Andrea Harrison, a kid named Zach, Hershel Greene, Bob Stokey, Beth Greene, Tyreese Williams, Noah Washington, and Mark and Allison Young." I tell her

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