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Shaylee's POV

"Now you said you found Tyreese's group here?" Glenn asks Carl after he drew a map of the prison on the floor with chalk

"Yeah." Carl replies

"We secured this." Glenn states

"He thought he came through here." Carl says as he points at the map

"Means there's another breach. Okay. the whole front of the prison is unsecure. If walkers just strolled in, then it's gonna be cake for a group of armed men." Glenn says

"Why are we even so sure he's gonna attack?" Beth asks

"Maybe you scared him off." She adds

"He had fish tanks full of heads. Walkers and humans. Trophies. He's comin'." Michonne says from beside me

"We should hit him now." Glenn says

"What?" Beth asks

"He won't be expecting it. We'll sneak back in and put a bullet in his head." Glenn says

"We're not assasins." Carol states as Glenn gets up and steps over to Michonne and I

"You know where his apartment is. You and I could end this tonight." Glenn says to Michonne causing her to let out a sigh

"No." I say

"I'll do it myself." Glenn says causing Michonne to nod her head in response

"Okay." He says

"He didn't know you were coming last time and look what happened. You were almost killed. Shaylee was shot. Daryl was captured. And you and Maggie were almost executed." Hershel says

"You can't stop me." Glenn says

"Rick would never allow this." Hershel says

"You really think he's in any position to make that choice?" Glenn asks him

"Think this through clearly. T-Dog lost his life here. Lori, too. The men that were here. It isn't worth any more killing. What are we waitin' for? If he's really on his way, we should be out of here by now." Hershel says causing me to look at the floor

"And go where?" Glenn asks

"We lived on the road all winter." Hershel says

"Back when you had two legs and we didn't have a baby crying for walkers every four hours." Glenn says

"We can't stay here." Hershel says

"We can't run." Glenn says

"Glenn's right." I say speaking up before Maggie walks back into the cellblock and up the stairs

"Alright. We'll stay put. But we're gonna defend this place. We're makin' a stand." Glenn says before he squats back down to the map

"Carl, you and I will go down to the tombs. We need to figure out where the breach is." Glenn says

"You got it." Carl replies

"You'll need some help." Michonne says

"No, in case anything happens, I need you and Shay out here." Glenn says before scanning the room

"Who's on watch?" Glenn asks but no one answers

"Damn it." Glenn huffs out

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I pick the grass at my sides as I sit in front of T-Dog's grave

"I saw you in my dreams again. It felt so real." I say with tear-filled eyes

"I miss your voice." I say softly as a single tear falls down my cheeks and I quickly wipe it away

"I never knew I could find comfort in a voice." I say before I hear a gunshot and I quickly lay down on my stomach and pull my gun out of its holster

I see Hershel lay down in the grass and I army crawl over to him

"You good?" I ask as I switch my gun off safety

"Yes, I'm fine. Are you?" Hershel asks as he motions towards my head

I touch my forehead and see it's bleeding

"Must've grazed me." I say before shooting towards the man who has an eyepatch over his eye who I'm assuming is the Governor

A lot of gunfire comes our way and Hershel and I just stay as flat as we can in the grass

The gunfire finally stops and Hershel and I lift our heads and look around

"Stay down!" I yell as the gunfire starts once again before I get up off the ground and make a run for the bus

"Come on!" Michonne yells as I'm almost at the bus

"Ahh! Fuck!" I yell out as sharp pain pierces my right thigh and I fall to the ground

Michonne covers me as I crawl the rest of the way to the bus

"You good?" She asks as I apply pressure to my gunshot wound

"I'm losing a lot of blood." I say as I apply pressure to my thigh before we hear another car approaching in the distance and I poke my head around the bus and see what looks like an ice cream truck hauling ass towards our front gate

"Fuck!" I yell out as the truck rams through our gate

The truck comes to a stop and the back opens and walkers pour out of it

Somebody in full body armor gets out of the van as Michonne helps me up off the ground

The person shoots at Michonne and me causing Michonne to pull me around the side of the bus and we lay down in the grass as a couple more shots are fired at us

"Hershel!" I yell

"Hershel! Get the hell out of there!" I hear my dad yell

A few moments later all the gunfire stops and Michonne helps me off the ground before I pull my knife out of the holster as Michonne and I hurry to Hershel

My leg starts throbbing as Glenn drives past us in the silver truck

"Fuck!" I yell out in pain as I drag my right leg

"Come on!" Michonne yells as she throws my arm over her shoulder and helps me to the truck

Michonne gives me a boost into the backseat of the truck before she and Glenn hurry to help Hershel

They get in the truck and Glenn drives out of the yard

"It just won't stop." I say as I continue applying pressure to my gunshot wound

Glenn pulls into the courtyard and Carol, Maggie, Beth, and Carl rush over to the truck

Michonne helps me out of the truck as Carl closes the gate

"Get her inside so I can have a look." Hershel says as my eyes fall on Axel's dead body before Beth helps Michonne get me into the prison

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Hershel managed to get the bullet out in one piece but let me tell you it hurt like hell

"I know you won't stay in bed so I won't ask or tell you to. Just take it easy." Hershel says as he finishes stitching my thigh up

"Daryl's back, ya know?" Hershel asks as he glances up at me

"I know." I say as I sit up on the table that I laid on for Hershel to get the bullet out before Hershel hands me some bandages and I start wrapping my thigh up

The door to the cell block opens as I finish wrapping my thigh revealing my dad, Carl, Daryl, and Merle

"Hey." Daryl says nervously as I hop off the table

"Get over here." I say with a warm smile before he rushes over and engulfs me in a tight hug

"I'm glad you're alive, G.I. Jane." He says softly

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