First Time Again

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Shaylee's POV

"You're crazy if you think you're goin' out there." Daryl tells me as he steps into our bedroom and I strap my thigh holster to my thigh

"I'm a big girl, Dare." I say with a smirk as he closes our door behind him

"I'm tough." I tell him earning a nod from him

"I know you are." He says as he steps over to me

"I can take care of myself." I tell him as he snakes his left arm around my waist

"Ya have. Ya still do. Ya always will. I've just joined in, too. Now we take care of each other." He tells me as he grips my left cheek with his right hand

"I promise I'm fine. Besides, like you said, I'll have you out there to help take care of me." I say with a soft smile before he connects our lips in a sweet kiss

"Eek!" I shriek out with a soft giggle as he lifts me off the floor and pushes me up against the wall before I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and his arm around my waist moves to under my butt

"Ya know how long I've loved you?" He asks

"How long?" I ask as I beam down at him

"Hm...well, I knew I loved you at the CDC." He tells me as I brush his hair out of his face

"We were beyond wasted at the CDC." I giggle

"I know." He chuckles

"But I got to see the real you." He says as he strokes my cheek

"And when you held your gun on me back at the Atlanta camp, I thought that was the hottest thing I'd ever seen." He chuckles

"I will not hesitate to put you down." He mocks me earning a soft giggle from me

"My point here is...I have loved you a long time and I don't wanna waste any more time." He says before he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a ring

"Dare." I whisper as I stare at the ring

"Shay." He whispers before I lock eyes with him

"Will you marry me?" He asks with a soft smile

"Yes!" I beam down at him before connecting our lips in a passionate kiss

"Things blow over a little bit and we're havin' a real weddin', yeah?" He asks as he slides the ring onto my finger

"I love you." I say softy before pecking his lips

"I love you, too." He says as he sets me back on the floor

"Not to overwhelm you but, uh...Glenn told me-- he told me I'd regret it if I didn't say anything." I say as I fidget with my ring

"Hey, you can tell me." He says he lifts my chin up to lock eyes with him

"I'm not sayin'-- I'm not sayin' I want them tomorrow or anything but I...I want kids." I say softly

"Don't married people have kids?" He asks with a smirk

"Not all of 'em." I mutter as I stare at his chest and fidget with his vest

"Our kids'll have a lotta aunts and uncles." He says with a chuckle

" want kids?" I ask as I look up into his eyes

"With you? Of course." He smirks

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"I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world. We have to come for them before they come for us. It's that simple." My dad says as we stand at the quarry

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