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Shaylee's POV

"Did you just eat a worm?" I ask as Ace and I step into Daryl's view

"What else do you want me to eat?" Daryl asks

"Not worms." I say with a small smile

"You find any water?" He asks me

"Nope. None." I tell him

"You okay?" I ask him as he stands up from the ground

"I could ask you the same question." He grumbles as he walks towards me

"Yeah, well don't. I got the memo." I say before Ace and I walk away from him and he follows after us

"Anything?" I ask as we meet back up with Sasha and Maggie

"No, nothing." Maggie says as we walk back out to the road and I see the others in the distance sitting by the van

"Oh, shit." Sasha huffs

"It's been a day and a half." I say

"They didn't find any either." Maggie says as we walk towards the others

"How do you know?" Sasha asks

"I know." Maggie says

"How much longer we got?" I ask

"60 miles." Sasha says

"I wasn't talkin' about that." I state

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"We're out, just like the other one." Abraham says as the van comes to a stop

"So we walk." My dad says before we all climb out of the van

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I look back and see the pack of walker's following us is still a little ways away before I look over at Tara and a small smile creeps onto my face as she looks over at me

"Hey." She says softly with a small smile

"Hey." I say as she offers me her hand and I happily interlock our fingers together

"We're not at our strongest. We'll get 'em when it's best. High ground, something like that. They're not goin' anywhere." My dad tells Daryl as he glances back at the walkers

"It's been three weeks since Atlanta. I know you lost something back there. I think Shay did, too." My dad says to Daryl as Judith fusses in my dad's arms

"She's hungry." Daryl says

"She's okay. She's goin' to be okay." My dad says

"We need to find water, food." Daryl says

"We'll hit somethin' in the road. It's gonna rain sooner or later." My dad says

"I'm gonna head out. See what I can find." Daryl says before handing my dad his rifle

"Hey, don't be too long." My dad tells him

"I'll go with you." Carol says

"I got it." Daryl says as he walks towards the woods

"You gonna stop me?" Carol asks with a small smile before following Daryl into the woods

"You wanna talk about it?" Tara asks as we walk

"Talk about what?" I ask

"Whatever's on your mind? Whatever it is that has had you snapping at your dad and Glenn since we left Atlanta." She says

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