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Shaylee's POV

"Be safe." I say softly before Daryl tucks a strand of hair behind my ear

"Always." Daryl tells me with a soft smile

"You come back to me." I tell him as I adjust the collar of his shirt

"Hey." He says softly as he grips my chin between his thumb and pointer finger before he lifts my chin up so I'm looking him in the eyes

"Always." He says as he grips my face in his hands and he pulls me forward before he pecks my forehead

"You stay safe here, huh? And make sure you're here for me to come back to." He tells me

"Always." I say with a soft smile before I step up on my tippy toes and peck his lips

"I love you." I say softly

"I love you, too." He says before pecking my temple and climbing onto his bike

"Bike looks good." I say with a soft smile

"I had a pretty great helper." He smirks before I peck his cheek and the gate opens before I back away from Daryl

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"You see him off this morning?" Glenn asks as I check the mag in my pistol

"Yeah." I say softly as I slide my mag back into my Glock

"You okay?" He asks as I slide my Glock into my holster

"I'm fine, Glenn." I tell him as I pull my knife from its holster

"It's okay to worry, S. I worry about Maggie all the time." He tells me as I pull my knife sharpener from my backpack

"I just...I'm at that age, G. Where I'm thinkin'-- god, it's stupid, just forget it." I say as I begin sharpening my knife

"I'm sure it's not stupid, Shay. Come on. Tell me." He says

"I'm...I'm at that age where...I'm-- I'm thinking about babies and marriage. But my last one didn't last very long. And I know it's stupid, especially with the world we're livin' in but...I never thought I'd want these things, even before all this. I mean, yeah, I married T. But we never talked about kids. We just...we never got the chance. I don't even think I'd make a good mom, so it's stupid to even talk about this." I explain

"It's not stupid, S. First of all you'd make an incredible mom, Shay. You had two great ones to help teach you how. And secondly, S, Daryl would be absolutely stupid to not wanna marry and have gorgeous little archer, soldier babies with you." Glenn tells me earning a soft giggle from me

"When he comes back, tell him. Tell him what you want. Cause if you don't...if you don't you'll regret it, Shay." He tells me

"Oh, no, thank you." Eugene says as Noah offers him a gun

"Just take it." Nicholas tells him as he loads the van

"Come on, you gotta protect yourself." Noah tells him

"Not if I don't go." Eugene says

"We're not driving all that way so we can just drive back with the wrong shit." Aiden tells him as I slide my knife back into its holster

"It's a dozen of these. They are consistent in appearance across manufacturers. The shit will be right." Eugene tells him before Aiden walks away from them

"I will install said shit. Then the grid will be fully operational again." Eugene adds before Noah pushes the pistol into his chest once again and Eugene finally takes it

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