Cherokee Rose

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Shaylee's POV

"You shouldn't be up." My dad tells me as I attempt to tie my boot

"I'm a--" I start

"I know you're a soldier. But you were just shot, Shay. Rest for a few days." He says cutting me off as he steps over to me

"I'm fine, dad. Honest." I say as I finish tying my boot

"Fine. At least let me help you." My dad says as he kneels down in front of me and ties my other boot

"Patricia made this for you." He says as he hands me a makeshift sling

"I don't need it." I say

"If you're gettin' out of that bed you're wearin' it, Shaybelle." Lori says from the doorway

"Fine." I huff out with a defeated smile before my dad helps me put my left arm in the sling

"How's Carl?" I ask as I stand up from the bed

"His fever's down. And he woke up for a few minutes." Lori tells me

"That's good." I say

"And how bout you? How you feelin'?" My dad asks me

"I feel fine." I say

"The rest of your group is here." Maggie says as she steps into the room before we follow her out of the house and my eyes fall on our group

"Hey." Daryl says with a soft smile as he opens his arms wide and I hurry over to him

"Hey." I say with a warm smile as I wrap my right arm around his neck and he pulls me into his embrace

"Ya alright?" Daryl asks as he releases me

"I'll live." I say

"How is Carl? And you, Shay, how are you?" Dale asks

"Carl'll pull through." Lori says before Dale looks over at me

"I'm gonna be just fine." I say

"Thanks to Hershel and his people. An--an--and..." Lori trails off

"And Shane. We'd have lost both Carl and Shaylee if not for him." My dad says before Dale pulls me into his embrace

"I'm glad you're okay." Dale says with a warm smile as he releases me before giving my dad a quick hug

"How'd it happen?" Dale asks

"Hunting accident. That's all-- just a stupid accident." My dad says

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I stand next to T-Dog for Otis' funeral as the blonde girl I now know as Beth places a rock on the pile of rocks before she returns to our spot beside Patricia

"Blessed be god, father of our lord Jesus Christ." Hershel says as they guy I now know as Jimmy walks up and puts a rock onto the pile

"Praise be to him for the gift of our brother Otis, for his span of years, for his abundance of character; Otis, who gave his life to save a child and a young woman, now more than ever, our most precious asset. We thank you, god, for the peace he enjoys in your embrace. He died as he lived, in grace." Hershel says

"Shane, will you speak for Otis?" Hershel asks

"I'm not good at it. I'm sorry." Shane whispers

"You were the last one with him. You shared his final moments. Please. I need to hear. I need to know his death had meaning." Patricia says as she cries and Maggie places her hand on Patricia's shoulder

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