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Shaylee's POV

"Ladies...because of you my children will eat tonight. Thank you." Morales says as he takes the fish from Amy and Andrea

"Thank Dale. It's his canoe and gear." Andrea says

"Mom, Shay, look. Look at all the fish." Carl says excitedly

"Whoa." Carl says as he pokes a fish

"Yeah, whoa. Where did you two learn to do that?" Lori asks

"Our dad." Amy replies before taking a sip of water

"Can you teach me how to do that?" Carl asks

"Sure. I'll teach you all about nail knots and stuff. If that's okay?" Amy asks as she looks over at Lori

"You won't catch me arguing." Lori says

"Hey, Dale. When's the last time you oiled those line reels? They are a disgrace." Andrea says as Dale walks over to us all

"I, uh-- I don't wanna alarm anyone, but we have a bit of a problem." Dale says before turning around and pointing at Jim whose up on the hill digging

"What's he doing?" I ask as I cross my arms over my chest

"Digging." Dale says

"Digging for what?" Andrea asks

"No idea. He's been at it for hours." Dale tells us

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We all approach Jim as he digs

"Hey, Jim." Shane says but he receives no answer

"Jim, why don't ya hold up, alright? Just give me a second here, please." Shane says

"What do you want?" Jim asks as he stabs the shovel into the ground and leans on it

"We're all just a little concerned, that's all." Shane says

"Dale says you been out here for hours." I say

"So?" Jim asks

"So why ya digging? What, you heading to china, Jim?" Shane jokes

"What does it matter? I'm not hurting anyone." Jim says before he continues to dig

"Yeah, except maybe yourself. It's a-- It's a hundred degrees today. You can't keep this up." Dale says

"Sure I can. Watch me." Jim says as he aggressively pounds the dirt

"Jim, they're not gonna say it so I will." Lori says as she steps forwards

"You're scaring people. You're scaring my son and Carol's daughter." Lori states

"They got nothing to be scared of. I mean, what the hell, people? I'm out here by myself. Why don't you all just go and leave me the hell alone." Jim says

"We think that you need to take a break, okay? Why don't you go get yourself in the shade? Some food maybe. I'll tell you what-- Maybe in a little bit, I'll come out here. I'll-- I'll help you myself. Jim, just tell me what it's about. Why don't you just go ahead and give me that shovel?" Shane asks

"Or what?" Jim asks

"There is no or what. I'm asking you. I'm coming to you and I'm asking you, please. I don't wanna have to take it from ya." Shane says

"And if I don't, then what? Then you're gonna beat my face in like Ed Peletier, aren't ya? Y'all seen his face, huh? What's left of it. See, now that's what happens when someone crosses you." Jim says

"Someone just take the damn shovel." I mutter

"That was different, Jim." Shane tells him

"You weren't there. Ed was out of control. He was hurting his wife." Amy says

"That is their marriage! That is not his!" Jim yells

"He is not judge and jury. Who voted you king boss, huh?" Jim says

"That's enough." I mumble before tackling Jim to the ground

"You got no right!" Jim yells as I flip him over onto his stomach

"Shh." I say as he squirms trying to get away from me

"You've got no right!" Jim yells as Shane hands me his handcuffs

"Jim, just stop it. Hey hey hey hey." Shane says as he kneels down to Jim while I handcuff him

"Jim. Jim, nobody is gonna hurt you." Shane says

"That's a lie. That's the biggest like there is. I told that to my wife and two boys. I said it a hundred times. It didn't matter. They came outta nowhere. There were dozens of 'em. Just pulled 'em right outta my hands. You know, the only reason I got away was cause the dead were too busy eating my family." Jim says from beneath me

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I pace and worry about Glenn, T-Dog, and my dad because they haven't returned yet. Everyone else is sitting around the fire eating fish

"Where ya going?" Andrea asks as I turn my attention to her and Amy

"I have to pee. Jeez, you try to be discreet around here." Amy says causing everyone to laugh except me before she walks over to the RV

"Shaylee, Sweetheart, why don't you join us? I saved you some fish." Dale says as I chew on my thumbnail

I hesitate before I walk over and sit down next to Dale and I take the plate of fish he saved for me

"We're out of toilet paper?" Amy asks from the RV

"Ahh!" She screams causing us all to look up at her and see a walker taking a chunk out of her arm

I toss my plate to the ground before taking my gun out and switching the safety off

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I aim my gun at a walker but my gun just makes a clicking sound signaling that I'm out of ammo

"Shit!" I say through gritted teeth as I shove my gun back in my holster and pull my knife out as the walker pushes me to the ground causing me to drop my knife

The walker chomps its teeth at me while I feel my arms begin to shake from the walker's weight

"Fight. Fight, Corporal." I say to myself as the tears fall from my eyes

"Shaylee!" I hear T-Dog yell

"Shay!" I hear Glenn yell again

"Shaylee!" T-Dog shouts again

"T!" I yell out before the walker is shot in the head and I let my arms fall

"Are you okay? Are you bit?" T-Dog asks as he pulls the walker off of me and all I can do is shake my head in response

He pulls me off of the ground and wraps his arms around me

"I remember my dream now, why I dug the holes." Jim says

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