What Lies Ahead

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Shaylee's POV

We decided to head to Fort Benning. We ditched Shane's Jeep and Daryl's truck. Daryl is now driving Merle's motorcycle, Dale is driving the RV with Glenn giving him directions, and Andrea and Shane are also with them while I drive my jeep with T-Dog in the passenger seat and Ace in the backseat, and my dad is driving Carol's Cherokee and Lori, Carl, Sophia, and Carol are with him


I giggle as I do my mom's makeup as she lays in the hospital bed

"I'm gonna miss that laugh." She says weakly as she smiles at me causing tears to flood my eyes before I clear my throat and blink my tears away

"So I think blue is your color. Whatta ya think?" I ask as I point to the blue shade of eye shadow

"I think it looks perfect, Sweetie." She says before I plaster a smile on my face and swipe the brush in the eyeshadow

-Flashback Over-

The convoy comes to a stop on a highway with abandoned cars scattering it as I let my arm dangle out of the open window

"See a way through?" I hear Dale ask Daryl but soon I hear a loud hissing noise

"I'll bet it's the radiator hose." T-Dog says from beside me

"Oh, definitely. But look where we are." I say as I motion around us and I put the jeep in park before we all climb out of our cars and we walk over to the RV

"I said it. Didn't I say it? A thousand times. Dead in the water." Dale says

"Problem, Dale?" Shane asks

"Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of--" Dale stops as he looks around

"Okay, that was dumb." Dale says

"If you can't find a radiator hose here..." Shane says trailing off as Daryl digs through the trunk of a station wagon

"There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find." Daryl says

"Siphon more fuel from these cars for a start." T-Dog says

"Maybe some water." Carol adds

"Or food." Glenn adds

"This is a graveyard. I dunno how I feel about this." Lori says

"Alright, alright, here we go." Daryl says as he peruses through a car

"Come on, y'all. Just look around, gather what ya can." Shane tells us

"I'm gonna clean my gun. It could use it." I say before walking into the RV with Ace following me


I watch my mom drift into a deep slumber after I finish her makeup before a quiet sob escapes my lips

"Please, don't take my mom. Oh, God, please. Please don't take her from me." I say as I grab ahold of my mom's hand and another quiet sob escapes my lips before I see my mom's eyes flutter open and I quickly wipe my tears away

"We can't. We can't tell her, Rick. She'd hate you. She'd blame you." My mom mutters

"Mom?" I ask as confusion laces through my voice

"If she knew you had an affair she'd never forgive you." My mom says causing my mouth to fall agape

"She can't know about you and Lori. It'd break her heart." She mutters before her eyes flutter closed once again and tears pour from my eyes

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