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Shaylee's POV

"They got no clue we're here." Glenn says as he walks over to Tara and I

"That's great news for GREATMS. In less great news for GREATMS, we just scraped the bottom of the water barrel." Tara says causing Glenn and I to look at each other confused

"What is-- what's GREATMS?" Glenn asks

"Yeah, I'm just as confused as him." I say as I cross my arms over my chest

"Us. Group name. Solidarity. Band of brothers. GREATMS." Tara says as she motions towards our water bottles that each has our initials on the cap

"Thinkin' about gettin' a tattoo on my knuckles." Tara says as she tosses Glenn and me our water bottles

"Sorry, I'm just trying to think of something else, ya know?" Tara asks

"Yeah." Glenn says as I give her a sympathetic smile and Maggie walks over to us

"Anything?" Tara asks Maggie as I take a sip of my water

"No." Maggie says

"Should we get him to the church?" Glenn asks

"Movin' him could make him worse." Maggie says

"She's right." I say

"What'll make him better?" Rosita asks

"Wakin' up. If he doesn't..." Maggie trails off before Rosita grabs Abraham's water bottle and take sit over to him

"Come on. You haven't had anything to drink all day." Rosita says as she extends the bottle to him but he doesn't move

"Take the bottle." She says but he still doesn't move

"Seriously, my six-year-old nephew didn't pull this shit." She spats before Abraham slaps the bottle out of her hands

"Don't do this, Abraham." She sighs as she leans down to face him

"Look at me!" She says as she motions towards her eyes

"Don't." Abraham mutters

"Look at me!" Rosita screams before Abraham stands up and gets in her face causing me to pull my Glock from it's holster before cocking it and aiming it at his head

"Sit down or I will put you down." I say as he turns to face me before he turns back to Rosita and drops back to his knees

"Well, what's next on the agenda?" Tara asks before Glenn lets out a light chuckle

"What's so funny, Chuckles?" I ask as I holster my gun

"You remember when Daryl was losing his shit at the Atlanta camp because we left Merle handcuffed to the roof of that department store in the city?" He asks causing me to let out a small laugh

"You pulled your gun out and you said "I will not hesitate to put you down"." Glenn says as he attempts to sound like me making me laugh even harder

"That's the badass I've always known." Rosita says with a small smile

"This one time we were still stationed in Iraq and our unit and Barnes' unit had the night off. So we were all sitting around drinking and playing cards in Corps tent and Barnes and Mercer got into it over the damn game and Barnes starts trashing her tent. We're all yelling at him but Corp comes up behind him and puts him in a chokehold and she says "You're gonna pick every god damn thing up, then you're gonna go sleep it off. Do I make myself clear?" And he says "We're the same rank, you can't make me do shit." So she tightens her grip on him and he gives in. He spent the next morning groveling for her forgiveness because unbeknownst to the rest of us they were together." Rosita says

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