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Shaylee's POV

I limp down a street before limping up to the front door of a white house

"Come on, Acey-boy." I mutter before opening the door and stepping inside and Ace follows me inside and I let out a whistle

I beat on the wall but no walker's show themselves

I lock the door before making sure the house is clear

I limp into what appears to be a master bedroom with Ace following me

"I just...I just need to rest for a minute." I mutter before collapsing on the bed and passing out

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My eyes flutter open and I see my mom standing in the doorway

"Mom?" I mutter

"Fight, Shaylee Ann. You have to fight." She says before my eyes flutter closed again

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My eyes flutter open before adjusting to the sunlight that's peering in through the window

I look to the doorway in search of my mom but she's gone

"Expecting somebody else, Sunshine?" A familiar voice asks before I turn my head towards the window and I see Shane sitting in the chair by the window

"You're not...not real." I utter

"I'm as real as it's gonna get, Shaybug." He says calling by the nickname he gave me when we were together

"Don't call me that." I mutter

"You look like shit." He says with a sly smirk

"Fuck you." I grumble earning a light chuckle from him

"Get it together, Shaybug." He tells me

"Luc-- Lucah?" I croak out

"He's fine. That kid...I'll tell ya, Shay, he is exactly like his mama. He is smart and quick-witted like you. And boy, let me tell ya, he is already an amazing artist." He tells me

"I wanna...I wanna...wanna see...him." I croak out

"It's not time yet, Shay." He tells me

"But I...I wanna...I'm ready." I mutter

"No, you're not. I told you, I've got him until it's your time to join us." He tells me

"I just...I wanna be with baby." I croak out

"Not yet, Shay. I got him. I made a promise to you and I intend to keep it." He says before my eyes flutter closed once again

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My eyes flutter open once again before I see a familiar face

"D-D-Dale?" I ask

"Hi, Sweetheart." Dale says with a warm smile

"Still rockin' the awful hat I see." I tease

"I thought you loved this hat?" He asks with a playful smile

"Eh, it grows on ya." I mutter

"Did you...are you with your wife wherever it is you are? Did you reunite with her?" I ask

"I did yes. And I met our daughter." He tells me

"Yeah? What's her name?" I ask with a weak smile

"Nicole." He tells me with a soft smile

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