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Shaylee's POV

"How ya feelin'?" Glenn asks me as Tara helps me sit down on a rock beside the fire that Daryl built

"I'm fine." I insist

"Ya know, if I had a dollar for every time I heard those words come outta your mouth when you really didn't mean it, well, I'd be rich. However, that doesn't mean much anymore." He says with a playful smile before he pecks the top of my head and steps away from me

"Wanna sit?" I ask Tara as I scoot over a bit

"Sure." She says with a warm smile before she sits down beside me

"Here ya go, S." Glenn says as he drapes a blanket over my shoulders

"Thanks, G." I say with a warm smile before looking over at Tara and I notice her shivering

"You cold?" I ask

"A little." She says softly

"Here. We can share." I say before drapping the blanket over her shoulders as well

I look over at Glenn and Maggie who have huge smiles on their faces as they both give me two thumbs up before I raise my middle finger to them

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All of us except Daryl walk through the woods before we hear twigs snap and we all aim our weapons in that direction only to see it's just Daryl holding some squirrels

"We surrender." Daryl says before he joins the group and we continue walking and my dad turns around to all of us before he whistles at all of us and waves his fingers at us to keep up

"Keep close." He says as we all tighten up the formation and continue on our journey

"Help!" We all hear a man yell causing us all to stop in our tracks

"Help, anybody, help!" The man continues to yell

"Dad, come on." Carl says as the man screams in the distance

"Come on!" Carl says

"Come on." He repeats

"Anyone, help!" The man yells before we all take off running in the direction of the yelling

"Help! Help! Help! Anybody help!" He continues to yell

"Help!" The man yells before Carl shoots a walker in the head and I pull an arrow from my quiver before sending it through a walker's skull before my dad, Michonne, Daryl, and Carol take out the rest

"We're clear. Keep watch." My dad says as I look at a man in his mid-30s and he's wearing a preachers outfit

"Come on down." My dad tells him before the man cautiously hops down from the rock

"You okay?" My dad asks him before he holds a finger up signaling to give him a minute and soon puke spews from the man's mouth

"Sorry." The man says softly

"Yes. Thank you." He adds

"I'm Gabriel." He states

"Do you have any weapons on you?" My dad asks causing the man to let out a nervous chuckle

"Do I look like I would have any weapons?" Gabriel asks

"We don't give two short and curlies what it looks like." Abraham says

"I have no weapons of any kind. The word of God is the only protection I need." Gabriel says

"Sure didn't look like it." Daryl says

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