Made To Suffer

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Shaylee's POV

We're all hiding behind a car parked in front of the gates of the town called Woodbury before the mystery woman hurries away from us

"Hey! Hey!" My dad whisper yells after her but she ignores him and continues on her way

"Damn it!" He whispers

"Alright, we need to downsize." My dad whispers before they put some flash bangs and tear gas inside of my backpack along with some ammo

"Ain't no way we're gonna check in all them buildings, not with all them guards there." Daryl whispers before a twig snaps behind us causing all of us to spin around with our weapons pointed only to see the woman has returned

'This way.' She mouths

"Alright, let's go." My dad says before we follow the mystery woman

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We all slip in the back of a building inside Woodbury

"This is where you were held?" My dad asks the woman

"I was questioned." She replies

"Any idea where else they could be?" My dad asks as Daryl peaks out of the curtain covered window

"I thought you said there was a curfew." Daryl says

"The street is packed during the day. Those are stragglers." She replies

"If anyone comes in here, we're sitting ducks. We gotta move." My dad says

"They could be in his apartment." The woman says

"Yeah? What if they ain't?" Daryl asks

"Then we'll look somewhere else." She says through gritted teeth

"You said you could help us." My dad says

"I'm doing what I can." She replies

"Then where in the hell are they?" Oscar asks

"Hey." My dad whispers to us before nodding his head away from the woman and we all follow him away from her

"If this goes south, we're cutting her loose." My dad says

"You think she's leading us into a trap?" Oscar asks

"Right now it's the blind leading the blind. Let's split up." Daryl says before someone knocks on the door and I hear keys jingle and the door begins to open and we all scramble to find a hiding spot

"I know you're in here. I saw ya moving from outside. Alright, now you're not supposed to be in here and you know it. Who's in here?" A man asks before he appears in the back of the building where we're hiding and my dad pushes him against the wall as we all hold our weapons on him

"Shut up. Get on your knees." My dad says before he yanks the guy to the floor

"Hands behind your back. Zip tie him." My dad says

"Where are our people?" My dad asks

"I don't know. I don't know." The man says in a scared tone

"You are holding some of our people. Where the hell are they?" My dad all but yells at him

"I don't know." The man says as Daryl finishes zip-tying his hands behind his back

"Open your mouth." My dad says before he shoves a rag in the man's mouth before I hit him in the back of the head with the butt end of my rifle

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