What Happened and What's Going On

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Shaylee's POV

"It was secure. It has a wall, homes, twenty people. Beth wanted to go with him. She wanted to get him there. It's a long trip, but if it works out, it's the last long trip we have to make." My dad says as he explains Noah's home to us

"And what if it isn't around anymore?" Glenn asks

"Then we keep going." My dad says

"Then we find a new place." Michonne says from beside me

"That is such bullshit." I mumble

"What?" My dad asks

"I said that's such bullshit. Even if we find a place we will never know one hundred percent if it's safe. Because those things will always be around. Eugene was our last shred of hope." I say

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"Shay, can I talk to you?" My dad asks and I nod my head in response

"Have a little hope." My dad tells me

"My hope vanished when Daryl carried Beth's body outta that hospital." I say

"I'm gonna give you that hope back. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but I'm gonna give it back to you." My dad says before pecking my forehead

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"How far out?" My dad asks as I sit between him and Michonne

"Five miles." Noah tells us

"Hey, Carol." My dad says into the radio

"I'm here." Carol's voice comes over the radio

"We're halfway there. Just wanted to check the range." My dad says into the radio

"Everybody's holding tight. We've made it 500 miles. Maybe this can be the easy part." Carol says

"Gotta think we're due. Give us 20 minutes to check-in." My dad says into the radio

"We don't hear from ya, we'll come lookin'." Carol says

"Copy that." My dad says before he clips the radio back to his belt and I can feel his eyes on me

"Don't." I warn as I continue to look straight ahead

"Shay--" My dad starts

"What is wrong with you? Can neither of you just leave me the hell alone for five fucking minutes?" I ask as I look back at Glenn

"Your sister--" My dad starts

"Stop." I seethe

"Y'all all wanna talk about Shaylee's problems. That's just it though, dad, they're Shaylee's problems. My problems and mine alone. So just drop it! Both of you." I spat

"How much longer?" I ask

"Two more miles." Noah says

"All right. Let's pull into the woods. We'll go on foot. Stay off the road." My dad tells Tyreese

"We don't need to." Noah says

"Just in case." My dad says as Tyreese pulls off into the woods and parks the car by some wrecked cars

"This is good." My dad says as we all climb out of the car

"Through the trees, it might just look like part of the wreck." My dad says before I see a growling walker in one of the wrecked cars

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