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Shaylee's POV


"Shay!" I hear Glenn call out before he walks into my bedroom with a big smile on his face and I see he's in his cap and gown same as me

"We're graduating!" We both cheer as I run over to him and grab ahold of his hands

"We're graduating!" We cheer as we jump up and down

"WE'RE GONNA BE GRADUATES!" I exclaim before I see my dad and Lori standing in my doorway with big smiles on their faces

"You two ready to get a couple of pictures before we head to the school?" Lori asks before Glenn and I lock eyes once again

"Graduating!" We cheer before he pulls me into his embrace

"Alright, let's get some pictures." My dad says before we follow him and Lori into the living room where my eyes fall on Carl and Shane

"There's the graduates." Shane says with a warm smile earning an eye roll from both Glenn and I before we burst into a fit of laughter

"Did you decide between NYU, Columbia, and Berkley?" Glenn asks in a hushed tone as we pose for a few pictures

"Yeah. Um...we...I'll tell you later." I say

"Let's get some of Shaylee and Uncle Shane." My dad says causing me to internally gag before Glenn steps away from my side and Shane steps into his place

"We gonna talk?" Shane asks in a hushed tone as we pose for a photo

"The time to talk would've been last week when I was in the hospital with our dead son." I say in a hushed tone

"Shaylee--" He starts

"I think we need some with me, Glenn, and Carl." I say cutting him off with a big smile before Carl leaps into my open arms and I lift him off the floor

"You're not supposed be holding him." My dad reminds me of what the doctor told me

"I'm fine, dad. It's just for a few minutes. This is one of the last times he's ever gonna be little enough for me to hold him." I say as we pose for a few photos

-Flashback Over-

"How'd ya sleep?" T-Dog asks as I tie my boots

"For the first time in a long time...I slept really good." I say with a warm smile as he kneels down in front of me and takes over tying my boots

"Andrea and I are gonna head out and search for Sophia today." He tells me

"I'll go too." I say causing him to look up at me

"What?" I ask

"Rest another day. Please?" He asks

"Fine." I say before I lean down and connect our lips in a sweet kiss

"Morning, guys. Let's get going. We got a lotta ground to cover." My dad says as he and Shane walk past T-Dog and me before we all gather around Carol's Cherokee and my dad lays the map out across the hood

"Alright, everyone's getting new search grids today. If she made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl found, she might have gone further east than we've been so far." My dad says

"I'd like to help." Jimmy says from behind us

"I know the area pretty well and stuff." He adds as he steps closer to us

"Hershel's okay with this?" My dad asks as T-Dog rests his hand on the small of my back

"Yeah, yeah. Uh, he said I should ask you." Jimmy says

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