The Suicide King

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Shaylee's POV

My eyes flutter open and I see Glenn's face once again and my head is in his lap. It's now morning and the birds are chirping

I look around only to see the woman and the green car aside from Glenn

"Where are the others?" I panic as I attempt to sit up but Glenn carefully holds me down

"Easy. They went back to get Daryl, they'll be back soon." Glenn says as he continues to hold pressure on my gunshot wound

"I think it missed her heart." Glenn says as it becomes harder to breathe and I begin choking

"Turn her on her side!" The woman commands

"Ah!" Glenn groans in pain as they both turn me on my side and soon I'm coughing up blood into the road before everything goes black again

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I open my eyes and I'm met with the face of the mystery woman who appears to be checking my pulse

"I'm still alive." I choke out and she cracks a small smile

"I'm Shaylee." I say in a raspy voice before spitting out more blood into the road

"Michonne. My name's Michonne." She replies before Daryl and my dad walk towards us in a huff

"What's going on?" I ask as they pass us and head for the hatch

"Merle's with them." Michonne tells me before Daryl walks over to me with a backpack in hand along with his crossbow before squatting down to me

"Don't you dare die, G.I. Jane." He says before giving my hand a sympathetic squeeze before he disappears around the side of the car and soon everything goes dark again

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I open my eyes and I'm in my cell before I glance at my gunshot and its bandaged and I'm shirtless

I get out of the bed and grab a blue t-shirt out of the top of T-Dog's duffel bag before I quickly slip the shirt over my head and it nearly swallows me

I shuffle out of my cell and I slowly walk down the stairs and into the common room. Where I see Sasha, Tyreese, Allen, Ben, and Carl

"I don't think you're supposed to be out of bed." Carl says

"I'm a grown woman, Carl." I say as I shuffle over to the shelves where we have a couple of bottles of water and my dad and Hershel walk in the common area

"How are you feeling?" My dad asks me as he walks over to me before he pecks my forehead

"I'm fine." I say before taking a sip of water

"You're not supposed to be out of bed." Hershel says before he, Carl, my dad, and I walk into the cell block and I see Beth walking down the stairs with Judith and my dad walks over to them before he takes the Judith from Beth

"She kinda has Lori's eyes. Don't ya think?" Beth says as the baby starts crying

"I'm gonna head out to the yard for a bit." I say as Glenn steps out of his and Maggie's cell

"I'll join you." Glenn says

"No. I'm good, thanks though." I say

"Shay, don't--" He starts

"Glenn, I love you. God knows I do. And I'm glad you and Maggie are home in one peace. But I need to take a minute. By myself." I say cutting him off before walking out of the cellblock and he follows after me

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