I Ain't A Judas

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Shaylee's POV

Daryl, Carol, Beth, and I are on the top level and I'm holding Judith. My dad, Maggie, Carl, Glenn, and Michonne are on the bottom level and Hershel is sitting on the second to last step

"We're not leaving." My dad says before he cocks a rifle and tosses the strap over his head

"We can't stay here." Hershel says as he sits on the stairs

"What if there's another sniper? A wood pallet won't stop one of those rounds." Maggie says

"We can't even go outside." Beth says

"Not in the daylight." Carol states

"Rick says we're not running, we're not running." Glenn says

"No, better to live like rats." Merle says from the common area that he's locked in

"You got a better idea?" My dad asks as everyone turns to look at Merle

"Yeah, we shoulda slid outta here last night and lived to fight another day. But we lost that window, didn't we? I'm sure he's got scouts on every road outta this place by now." Merle says

"We ain't scared of that prick." Daryl says from beside me

"Y'all should be. That truck through the fence thing, that's just him ringing the doorbell. We might have some thick walls to hide behind, but he's got the guns and the numbers. And if he takes the high ground around this place, shoot, he could just starve us out if he wanted to." Merle says

"Let's put him in the other cell block." Maggie says

"I second that motion." I state

"No. He's got a point." Daryl says

"This is all you. You started this!" Maggie yells at him

"What difference whose fault it is? What do we do?" Beth asks before walking down the stairs

"I said we should leave. Now Axel's dead. We can't just sit here." Hershel says before my dad walks towards the gate

"Get back here!" Hershel yells causing my dad to stop in his tracks before he picks his crutches up and goes over to him

"You're slipping, Rick. We've all seen it. We understand why. But now is not the time. You once  said this isn't a democracy. Now you have to own up to that. I put my family's life in your hands. So get your head clear and do something." Hershel says to my dad before my dad walks out of the cellblock

"I'll talk to him." I say with a small smile causing him to give my shoulder a squeeze before I follow after my dad

I open the door for the loading dock and my eyes fall on my dad's back

"You shouldn't be out here." He says without looking at me

"I'm an adult, I'll make that decision for myself." I say as I close the door before walking over to him

I lean against the fence before crossing my arms and staring hard at my father

"What, Shaylee?" He asks as he turns to face me

"I think you should take a step back." I say as I look into his blue orbs

"What?" He asks

"From being our leader. Hershel's right dad, y-- you're slipping. And for good reason. But I think maybe Glenn or Daryl should step in for at least a little while. Take a breath. Grieve." I say before walking back towards the door

"Just think on it." I say before walking back into the prison

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